I have a client who found me after reading PYDNA. I worked with her and her children (both under age 10), schematic 1. She is in 6 up prior to sealing and is now pregnant. Any suggestions or concerns here. We held the space for any future children d
Hello again Sol, I had messaged you about 2 months ago in regards to questioning if I had received potentiation, and asking about what was happening in my body~ you had replied through email. I thought this round to place this into the discussion boa
I am researching the pervasive parasite of Toxoplasma gondii. This is one of the most pervasive (physical) parasites I believe of our time and am dealing with it in my step daughter (who is 36) and loosing her mind. She is coming off all of her meds
Just curious if anyone out there has worked with or they themselves have cystic fibrosis and if so how the regenetics module has affected their condition. Any tips on working with someone with this disease would be helpful.
I'm still working my way through the second book, "Conscious Healing" and loving it, btw. I was afraid that it wouldn't be much different than the first book, PYDNA. So glad I was wrong about that. Anyway, I found the part about the tome "Gee" mos
I've been looking at the Figure 3 Diagram and thinking about the corresponding Chakra centers. I do not understand what Chakra centers, if any, the 8th & 9th energy centers in your illustration correspond to.
I know in your book, you very clearly indicate that part of going through the Potentiation process means that your body will (probably) need more water, more food, more sleep, etc. I'm currently in 6 down (this Friday, will be the start
Got a set of tuning forks and some free time, any suggestion how best to accommodate this "dilemma"? Thinking of practicing the Potentiation string vowels, any other short, worthy things to do with the other 5 forks?
Even while agreeing with your perspective expressed in the conversation with Rob (Typical Skeptic podcast), I still find myself on the horns of a dilemma. I was one who said, "no jab no matter what!" Now, laughably, I'm faced with
Newbie. I thought I would introduce myself. Self potentiated earlier in the week!
I'm so glad I came across this work. Its fascinating. I am a visual learner and have been trying to draw images of what I believe to be Time-Space & S-T, bioe
I recently had a musculoskeletal session and made an intent to notice any changes afterwards, in addition to the sensations during the session-my hands particularly began feeling like huge leaden weights; I couldn't even lift them. A couple weeks lat
Hi. I have a question. About 3.5 years ago....I was introduced to flower essences. I was amazed by them. I signed up for a course and tried to learn everything I could. I attended a live 2 day session. At the time that I found this modality....I was
I'm on Day 8, Schematic 1, and the first 2 days were amazing with beautiful thoughts, insights, and feelings of connection. Then the digestive issues hit like a tsumani- gerd and hiatal hernia, which I hadn't experienced this intensity before. It for
I've gone through a few different waves of emotional and physical discomforts (and bliss) during my process thus far... a couple of weeks ago, I tried a new exercise routine (7 minute