Hi all!
Just curious if anyone out there has worked with or they themselves have cystic fibrosis and if so how the regenetics module has affected their condition. Any tips on working with someone with this disease would be helpful.
Hi all!
Just curious if anyone out there has worked with or they themselves have cystic fibrosis and if so how the regenetics module has affected their condition. Any tips on working with someone with this disease would be helpful.
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Hi Kristen,
I have not, nor do I know anyone who has worked with cystic fibrosis, so I am sure Sol and Leigh or someone else will give their insight. I do want to thank you for bringing such a wonderful question to the community as we all are learning how we can best serve those in need. I do have a question, do you know the electromagnetic scheme of this person?
sorry for the delay, i don't look here as often as i should. My contact with her has been spotty up unitl recently. She is definitely a 2. If she were a 1 or 3 she'd already be dead. She's 26. hospitalized 43 times for months at a time. My concern is with potentiation and the detox process, she lacks the ability to produce mucous which is a major detox route. I also believe that the body is wise and would not harm itself in the detox. But with the multiple hospitalizations and medications, there is a lot to detox. She fortunately had a mother that went the holistic natural route and only fed her natural foods and fats, nonGMO her whole life. Rather then the diet her nutritionist recommeded of high fats... you know, "eat as many McDonald french fries and big macs and milkshakes that you can." So she has a lifetime diet of healthy nutritional whole foods going for her as she did NOT listen to her nutritionist. But still... the detox process has me concerned and how to support her thru this.
I personally believe that the body can heal the genetic mutation. Just wondering if anyone has seen this yet.
It sounds like there's some support for her detox, which is good. FWIW we feel that there's definitely a detox "governor" in place with this process that respects the body's wisdom ...