Hi. I have a question. About 3.5 years ago....I was introduced to flower essences. I was amazed by them. I signed up for a course and tried to learn everything I could. I attended a live 2 day session. At the time that I found this modality....I was about 3 years into trying to reach self actualization. I was finding my way on this journey by following a bread crumb trail. I read the book by Kelly Brogan titled "Own Yourself". I will be forever gratedful to Kelly for writing this book and to her mentor, Dr Nick Gonzales for his teachings that lead her to write it. My life has been a series of what I now realize are Devine energy trails. I'm now thankful for the journey....but I have not always been. It's been tough...but so worth it. I experienced a lot of childhood trauma. Trying to "feel better" is what put me on this path. I wanted to be the best version of Me. Flower essences helped. I especially liked the Holly FE. I had a lot of suppressed anger...that was getting harder and harder to suppress. When I couldn't suppress it...I had a lot of self judgement and shame. I practically drank the Holly remedy in an effort to "be nice". I found myself doing this with several of the remedies. My question is....could my use of flower essences in this way have led to a detox crisis? About 2.5 years ago..I found myself in a brain fog that would come on out of no where and last for about an hour. It was like I was outside of my body looking down. I hated this feeling and resisted it...no doubt making it much worse. During this time...I operated from a place of fear. I was convinced that the world had turned on my and that everything in my environment was out to get me. I swore it was coming from VOCs in our new home with all new furniture, and building materials, a birth control implant "essure" that I had had for 20 years and decided to have removed, mold in hotel rooms, pesticides my neighbor was spraying, food, drink, you name it. I did have a histamine reaction. I literally can't drink tea anymore....which makes me really sad. I have always loved tea. I used to drink it with my grandma when I was little and it was a beautiful experience for me. She was a beautiful part of a horrible life that I lived as a child.
I was fascinated by the section in PYDNA where you explained the "Homeopathic Effect". I have intuitively wondered if the flower essences sent me off on this journey. I'm now seeing all of these reactions that I saw as negative...as my body trying to find homeostasis. I would love your perspective on this.
Thank you so much for doing this work and bringing it to the world. It's a gift from God!!
Best, Jill
Thanks for your insight!
My pleasure. Onward and upward!
Thanks for your kind words, Jill!
I absolutely think what you experienced could have been a HE possibly initiated by the essences, which can work deeply. Makes total sense to me ...