I am researching the pervasive parasite of Toxoplasma gondii. This is one of the most pervasive (physical) parasites I believe of our time and am dealing with it in my step daughter (who is 36) and loosing her mind. She is coming off all of her meds for depression and anxiety but her "doctor" is not treating her for parasites. The more I investigate the more i reealize just how bad this is. And how very little treatment for this particular parasite there is even in the allopathic arena, probably because this is the parasite 'they' really want to proliferate within us. I am just curious if anyone has any direct experience with detoxing from this particular parasite during the potentiation. Is there evidence that the potentiation detoxes the body completely from this nasty little $#%^ Parasite?! All of the literature states this is a life long infection of the brain of the oocysts.
I know this is what she is 'suffering' from and I know Potentiation may be the only avenue for her. Anyone with direct experience of dealing with this would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kristen,
I am new to Potentiation and this forum and just reading through parts of it to get an impression, thus finding your post.
Being a holistic therapist in Germany, I can provide you with an interesting view on the named parasite. It is by Dieter Broers, a biophysicist, and basically explains that the single phyto-therapeutic plant to treat the condition presumably works by activating DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) in your body and thus, ecstatic feelings. From which he deducts that one would not need any medication at all, but at least a quarter of an hour pure, heartfeld joy, bliss or ecstasis each day to drive the parasites out of the system.
Which could be translated, I think, into a fair chance that Potentiation (maybe plus the additional stages) will do the job, since it very much contributes to the aforementioned states (or so I read ... personally, I am in my first week, only).
See https://www.allversum.com/dieter-broers-parasit-toxoplasma-gondii-e...
Hi Chris,
Thanks for this article. I will add it to my blog post. You are now complete with your 9 month process? How did it go? My experience with working with to T. gondii is with a family member who was close to suicide as her world and life were literally falling down around her, unable to pack an overnight bag let alone manage a life. I potentiated her in Feb of 2023 and then did intensive, or as intensive as she could manage, detox of diet and exposing her to some truth bombs, once again as much as she could tolerate. By Sept of 2023 she wasn't 100% but enough so she could find a job and move to a new city. I know it was the T gondii that was her chief complaint by intuition then in her numerology she shared too many numbers with the critter for it not to be. still having ups and downs, but she is managing day to day life and only growing stronger. She is still more then a bit asleep to the toxins that effect her - all the endocrine disruptors in food, plastics, household and beauty products, but once again,,, baby steps. the fact she was very open to the potentiation process and energy work in general is a definite bonus. I linked my blogpost below. I accredit fully the potentiation process to her progress. I will definitely add your article.
thanks again.
Hi there, Kristen! We don't have feedback relative to this specific parasite, that I can recall anyway, but parasite cleansing of many (arguably, all) types is an extremely common reported benefit/result of Potentiation and other Regenetics activations.
Thanks Sol for your reply. I am working on a blogpost about this particular parasite now. The more I research, the more insidously evil it becomes. Which honestly is no surprise. Intuition tells me the Potentiation and the sealing of the fragmentary body expels and then repels this little invasive baddie. I don't know if you recall chatting with me about coffee, and you have been consistent in stating coffee gets a bad rap, and it does. In my research, coffee is a player in natural food irradication of Tox.gondii.Its high in natural flavonoids. I would guess this is why they have increased production and sell of the coffee that is horribly tainted with glyphostes and other chemicals, which naturally nuetralizes this weapoon against the parasite and essentially weaponizes it against us. Same with tea (tea is incredibly high in flouride as it is the only plant on earth that can cleanse the hazardous waste byproduct) and red wine (once again, high in glyphosate.) The beauty of the Potentiation is in the sealing of the fragmentary body. In my minds eye i see the parasites being squeezed out and when they are presented again by ingestion in this case, they can't quite find an open door to get back in. It might explain my occasional craving for coffee. And apparently milk is a natural killer of the parasite, which would also explain my occsional craving for raw milk. Thanks again! I'll forward you my post when i have it ready.
Right on. Yes, fascinating research and info on anti-parasitic foods ... Without making any medical claims, I can say that people have reported cleansing all kinds of wild stuff during this process ... Looking forward to your post!