Hello again and Happy Holidays!

I've been looking at the Figure 3 Diagram and thinking about the corresponding Chakra centers.  I do not understand what Chakra centers, if any, the 8th & 9th energy centers in your illustration correspond to. 

This is what I understand:

1 - Root Chakra

2 - Sacral Chakra

3 - Solar Plexus Chakra

4 - Heart Chakra

5 - Throat Chakra

6 - Third-Eye Chakra

7 - Crown Chakra

From my own studies, I am aware of 2 other Chakra centers, one below our feet (Earth Star Chakra) and one above our head (Soul Star Chakra).  This is where some of my confusion comes in.  If I added these two additional Chakra centers into the count, I would come out with 9 energy centers but I do not believe that is what you are trying to illustrate with Figure 3 and so I would greatly appreciate some clarification as to what / where the 8th and 9th energy centers that you speak about in the PYD book correspond to.

Thanks and Happy New Year! 

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  • Hi Bonnie,

    Happy New Year! You may find the video on the front page of the Forum "Understanding Our Bioenergy Blueprint" helpful in understanding our perspective on the chakras and how they line up with the bioenergy centers. It's the second video down that says "Have You Sealed Your Fragmentary Body?"

    Hope this helps!


    • It did help.  It's difficult to remember all the information the Sol's book contains even though I read it) because it is so dense and packed with good stuff!  Thank you for the refresher video! 

      • Glad it was helpful! Sometimes a different format (ie: video) helps us absorb information in a new way too.


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