Were you in the June 2 2024 group?

I would love to connect with others on my same timeline to discuss our unfoldment. So I started this topic. 

When I was at 7 down, it started out pretty ruff with frustration and anger and me questioning the wisdom of embarking on this. But it smoothed out and the last day of it (Sunday June 30th) I was conducting a Biofield Tuning booth at a Yoga gathering and closed shop to attend a breathwork and soundbath journey. Holy cow, it was so powerful and I felt like I wasn't even the same person afterwards and couldn't really even walk straight I was so intoxicated from it.  I don't know that others had such a powerful time of it. The others hadn't just spent the day barefoot on the grass ringing tuning forks over people, for one thing, and I susupect no one else there had been potentiated.  I mean we don't wear t-shirts annoucning it so we can find our tribe, but maybe we should. :D

Today I got my calendar notification that 6 down has begun. For me ADHD is related here as I believe I'm in Electro group 3. I was really loopy in the morining. For one thing even though I got 10+ hours of sleep I was still recovering from all that energy shifting of the day before, but I was doing goofy stuff at work that was reminicscent of when I was trying to work after a concussion.

At the event a man approached me a couple times, and eventually opted for a session, perhaps as a way to talk to me because he apparently had gotten an intuitive hit that my next step was exploring the akashic records and perhaps his guides were pestering him to deliver. He wasn't trying to "get to know me" in the guy meets girl sort of way.  The book he reccommended, with some disclaimers, was by Linda Howe. So I thought what the heck I'll look into it, it's on audilble. Healing Through the Akashic Records.  But I can hardly stand it. the whole first part of the book seems to be a bunch of on and on introduction and spiritual hand holding for spiritual babies. And she kept talking about Light. I'm having the sense that the book is just too far behind me and or perhaps too Era II.   If anyone can reccommend a book on the the Akashic Records that gets to the damn point and is informed by cutting edge Era III thought please please please reccommend.

Thanks, Love you all. 

Wishing I had peoples I could talk to who understand.

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  • I want to add that I feel like the akasha is really just the consciousness field and the characters people perceive there are just personifications because that's how we expect to relate.

  • It is so interesting to make the connections towards the healing I am doing about my body & my sexuality ~ and how this ties into another life I've lived. I knew there was catholic background in my family and am really starting to have more understanding how this has effected my life now. 

  • **tapping into a life that I lived/am living and healing through as a Nun**

  • Ooooo ! Akashic Records Yes Awesome. I have had 2 very physical/visual experiences during a big cry and purge ~ about 3 months ago of tapping into a life that I lived/am living and healing through! Following some alignments in conversation that ancored this knowing for myself even deeper. I look forward to exploring this more and see what continues to unfold! 

    I am not aware of any books. 
    I've watched a few youtube videos with women sharing how you can begin set intentions to begin to access the records on your own. 

    (This is not how my Nun life came through - Althought I feel you could find much value there :) -  this experience for me happened randomly after going to a mystery school guided meditation channelled by a woman named Kaia Ra) (Kaia Ra is incredible I would highly recommened checking out her work if you feel the call!)  

    Much love on your journey!! 

    • Thanks for the tip on Kaia Ra. About the nun thing, you might enjoy a novel by Lauren Goff called Matrix.




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