Hi, I'm pretty sure im EM Group 1 in 5 down and have had almost constant binging behavior the last ten days. 

I'm having trouble discerning whether the compulsions to eat are a manifestion of a food addiction or are simply my body needing more nutrition because of potentiation? 

If the latter of course, I'm much more inclined to let my appetite take its course.


Any feedback would be appreciated. 



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  • If the cravings are for unhealthy "foods"...

    In my experience shadow work and the clearing of emotional blockages in the aura (mind) can trigger emotional eating. The key I've found is self-love. It is through self-love that we find self-discipline. Hope this helps.

  • Hi there, Ashleigh!

    While I can't say with certainty what your particular situation is, it's very common for appetite to increase, at least temporarily, during Potentiation and other Regenetics activations as more energy flows through the system, liberating toxins and requiring cushioning and an escort out of the body ...

    Typically, when this is the case, one feels physically (and not just emotionally) better after eating, which indicates the food is doing its job.

    Does that help?

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