Will the body still heal if you can't/ don't sleep?
I have been diagnosed with adrenal exhaustion/CFS. I was a severe insomniac before this process, but now it is much worse. I am currently in the elucidation phase. I know my body is increasing its frequency. I can feel the constant buzzing in my nervous system. This buzzing increases at night, especially during the hours of 9PM till 2AM, but continues on through the morning. I am going through weeks of only getting 5-6 hours of sleep at night and usually a 40min nap during the day. Not napping does not help, so I take advantage of sleeping whenever I can. I also have periods where I won't sleep the entire night, usually at the beginning of a new bioenergy field.
The list of things I have tried to help me sleep is extensive: various meditations, yogas, breath work, hypnosis, affirmations, thousands of dollars on various supplements and herbs, scalar wave generator, Fisher Wallace stimulator, epsom salts bath, traumatic releasing exercises, light aerobics, and I'm sure I have left a few out.
When reading signs/symptoms of ascension, insomnia and exhaustion are on every list. For this reason I am trying not to panic but see my symptoms as a necessary part of the process.
However, I am worried that the increase energy is more than my already ailing body can handle. Has anyone else experienced this? And did their nervous systems eventually calm down?
Awesome. I will definitely get a hold of this book.
Sol said:
My pleasure!
Certainly, this work can touch on extremely deep emotional wounding, baggage, etc., that while unnecessary to understand cognitively to release, can nevertheless induce many thoughts, sensations, symptoms, etc., on their way up and out.
As far as meditation is concerned, obviously there are many different kinds. Some are stimulating to the nervous system, while others help calm it down.
David Shannahoff-Khalsa's book SACRED THERAPIES is an excellent introduction to various types of Kundallni Yoga meditations for mental wellness that does make some distinction between situations where stimulation is called for and situations where calming is needed.
There's even a chapter on insomnia/sleep disorders that might be of interest ...
Evolve Now said:
My mistake on the sugar, thanks for the clarification.
I did not do any meditation or yoga yesterday and last night was particularly bad. My nervous system was going haywire. Today there was a lot of "heart pain" i.e. expansion and sadness. I know this to mean it is time for me to engage in unconditional presence and emotional purge.
Perhaps, until my nervous system becomes stronger/less sensitive, this is just me processing and the less I resist it the faster I will move through it. I am going to add the nervous system's songs of distinction to my healing.
As always, thanks for taking the time to reply
For the record, nowhere do I "recommend" sugar. I simply point out that it can really increase detox, which isn't always a bad thing if people are having difficulty moving things out. Generally speaking, sugar is best taken in moderation and in its less processed varieties.
What I do "recommend" is that you trust your intuition and cravings. It seems that your body is telling you what it needs and that, in responding, you're getting some positive feedback.
It's quite normal for people's diets to change and evolve over the course of Regenetics, so don't be afraid to go with the flow and experiment within reason.
Let's see if eating this way without adding too much extra energy to your circuits helps normalize things.
Thank you for your reply. I have considered that I may be overdoing things. Therefore, I had stopped everything for a few weeks during potentiation, but did not feel any less jittery. I went back to my meditation/yoga regimen, I think in part to feel like I am "earning" the healing. Since I am now much further along, (elucidation phase) I think a respite from my usual and reassessment would be good.
Before potentiation, I was doing the meats and lots of raw greens drinks and a far amount of healthy fats. After reading your book, I went back to a healthy whole foods diet which included rice and beans and whole grain sprouted bread. I have been challenged by adrenal fatigue. I found including the carbs (evening though they were healthy carbs) created fluctuations in blood sugar to where I had to eat every few hours. I did not have any less jitteriness, only weight gain and blood sugar crashes. The blood sugar crashes would be especially bad at night, adding to my difficulty in sleeping. In the last 4 weeks I have returned to chicken, eggs, mixed greens and healthy fats. My weight and blood sugar levels have normalized.
I can see how the raw greens could amp up my system. Unfortunately, I crave greens the way some may crave sugar. Although you have recommended sugar, I don't seem to have any desires for it. Part of which may be psychological from all the years of demonizing it. I have asked in meditation if my low carb diet was a detriment to my healing. I got a "do whatever you want" reply. Uh...thanks for the help?
Anyway, I will hold off on the yoga and meditation and reassess. Thanks again for your time
Sorry to hear that you're having difficulty in this area!
I too have read that insomnia can be an ascension symptom, though I don't know what I think about that.
Often during Regenetics people sleep more and better, not less and worse.
Just to make a point about your post relative to the concept that "Less Is More" during Regenetics. Note all the serious energy stimulation in what you list:
"... various meditations, yogas, breath work ... thousands of dollars on various supplements and herbs, scalar wave generator, Fisher Wallace stimulator ..."
Do you think maybe some of these things, on top of the energies of Regenetics, have contributed to amping things up in your case and making sleep more difficult?
Also, what are you eating? If you're not getting enough healthy starches, this can make it more difficult to process out the toxicity that is being liberated by the energy.