I'm starting this thread to share and explore gentle (as opposed to overstimulating) ways of balancing the HPA, or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, axis during Regenetics.
Ideally, this triad of glands maintains homeostasis in the adrenal cortex for regulating three extremely important physiological functions we might call the three Ss: salt (electrolytes), sugar (blood glucose) and sex (sex hormones).
Actually, by adding stress (adrenaline and cortisol hormones) to this mix, we get four Ss.
Various things can throw off this homeostasis, including too much sugar or chronic stress. Acute trauma--physical or emotional--can also do a number on the HPA axis. So can toxins, infections, pathogens and drugs.
To get everyone on the same page and start the conversation, I recommend that you read this highly informative article on the three stages of HPA axis dysfunction:
A lot of folks with autoimmune issues can probably identify with one of the three stages outlined in this document. But even so-called healthy people might have HPA axis issues.
Though I can't and don't make any medical claims, my observation is that Regenetics itself may contribute to healing and strengthening the glandular system. This is based on years of Testimonials in which clients have regularly reported positive shifts in metabolism, weight, energy, sleep, eating habits, sex drive and many other things related to the HPA axis.
There are also many other things one can do to rebuild, fortify and maintain the HPA axis during Regenetics that don't add too much "fuel to the fire" for most people.
Some of these strategies are outlined in the aforementioned article. In this thread, as time goes by I'll share (for informational purposes only, not as medical recommendations) a number of other techniques for helping the HPA axis.
I'll add it to my (growing) list and let you know if I get around to listening to the podcast. Thanks again for sharing!
Rebecca Quinones said:
Thanks for the reply... I understand what you are saying and I get it... I have a sister on the Spectrum... they gave my mom a flu shot when she was pregnant, but that was in the 90's and many did not know better, many still do not know better.
Morley Robbins does advocate getting your nutrition through food primary and is also wary of supplementation. He looks at the importance of ceruloplasm that is made by the liver and how supplementation can really throw that out of whack. If you get a chance to listen to the podcast above, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing this information, Rebecca. I've heard of Robbins, but will look into his work a bit further.
In general I've been less than satisfied with researchers who claim that a single deficiency is the root cause of a whole host of problems. What caused the deficiency in the first place? Vaccines can damage the gut, which causes malabsorption, which leads to deficiencies. This situation isn't easily addressed by going after the deficiency; we need to get at the real root of the problem IMHO. :-)
That said, I'm all about maximizing the healing effects of diet through nutrient-dense and mineral-rich eating ...
Rebecca Quinones said:
Sol, have you read or listened to the work of Morley Robbins?? He talks a lot about the adrenal fatigue phenomena in relation to copper disregulation, which I have experienced myself... He explains bodily processes brilliantly... love that guy... He really focuses on clients to get there nutrients from food
I put one link below but there are a few interviews with him on the Wendy Myers podcast... all are amazing !
I've been using and experimenting with the cell salts based on Bonacci's videos and Carey and Perry's book "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation" and it's really making a difference. Bonacci basically recommended taking the cell salt of your birth sign and the next two signs as they are the ones you didn't get in the womb. Personally I got the best results using all twelve (Bio XII or BioPlasma) while adding extra Nat Mur, my astrological sun sign. My sleep is much better and just feel more together.
It's definitely been helpful as I've been going charging the 2nd bioenergy field while Articulating. Double whammy!
Sol said:
Thanks for sharing this link, Jackie. It looks like good information.
Jackie said:
Interesting thread. V relevant - so glad I read this.
I wasn't sure about the Castor Oil packs she mentions & how to use them, until I found this link:
Thanks a million for sharing Sassy Holistics' article, Andrew. It's probably the best synthesis of real information on the HPA I've ever encountered ...
Please let us know how the cell salts treat you!
Andrew B said:
I hear you. Jumpsport fitness trampolines tend to be very good and easy on the body ...
Divine Mystic said:
I've read that one of the symptoms of the HPA axis out of balance is depersonalization - something you see more and more of these days, with people's head's buried in their devices.
The Hypothalamus is the link between the nervous and endocrine systems and it regulates most of our endocrine activity. The hypothalamus is the most important link between mind and body- which is why HPA dysfunction can make us feel out of touch with reality.
Kali muriaticum - potassium chloride
Insights from the Experts:
Little is written about Kali mur’s mental ‘constitutional’ picture but for these:
It has the “common traits of all Kali’s: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.”
Plus, when out of sorts, “quarrelsome with members of the family. ... fury at slightest provocation” and “desire to remain silent, calm, quiet, idle and in lonely places. Aversion to noise, study, talk, company.” –Frans Vermuelen, Prisma
Kali Mur is the cell salt associated with bioenergy field 8 [Conscious Healing].
So, I'm looking at trying out cell salts. Haven't tried them for years.