
How Did You Learn about the Regenetics Method?

Healing Humanity

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I am Learning Energitic Healing, and focus on leaving the closest to God, I am reading Channeling with God. I am sportive, biking, running, cross country-sking, Yoga.

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  • Bonjour Merkabodylight,
    Salutations! Je t'ai trouvé par l'entremise de Diane.
    Heureuse de voir que nous sommes quelques uns dans la région à être membre de la communauté Regenetics.
    Au plaisir,
  • Bonjour Merkababodylight,

    Je suis de Montréal. Étant intéressée à vivre the closest to God je me demande si tu as entendu parler du Oneness Blessing. Je suis Blessing giver et je dois dire que c'est quelque chose d'assez puissant.

    J'ai ll très forte intuition que ce transfert d'énergie aide à développer le corps de lumière or the bodylight. Je le sens!

    Au plaisir,

    PS J'habite Montréal
  • Hi there! Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum!

    May you experience our community as a safe and nurturing online environment where you 1) feel free to share your experience of and 2) can get your questions about the Regenetics Method answered. If you have things you wish to share or questions about a specific phase of Regenetics, please join the appropriate group (Potentiation, Articulation, etc.) as listed on the main page.


    Thanks for your conscious, and conscientious, participation in our community. :-)

    To your potential!

    Sol and Leigh

    IMPORTANT: Your presence and participation on the Regenetics Method Forum constitute your tacit acknowledgment that you have read, understand and agree to abide by our Member Guidelines.
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