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I am an artist developing a Unique Water Space Design called Resonance Bathing. It's a project in it's infancy but will be a journey into the powerful nature of water for the wellness and happiness of human beings. Trough the phenomenon of sympathetic entrainment of resonance, bathers will easily tune to controlled frequencies inducing exceptional states of being.

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  • Thank you for your comment on my page. How wonderful to meet Len Horowitz. He and I were emailing each other quite frequently at the beginning of the year. I came up with what I term a mirror image of the Solfeggio which are different frequencies but still numerologically sound and they complete the pattern and consist of the frequencies (number combinations) not present in the 9. So there are 9 "shadow frequencies" to total 18 altogether. For example the frequencies of 174 / 417 and 741 - there shadow counter parts would be 147 / 471 and 714 - and that completes all combinations. I have still to have the tuning forks made up for these new frequencies - but the idea was to come up with more notes where chords and harmonies could be used even if very different from what we understand by these terms under our present musical system. Len Horowitz was very interested by this and I have still to convince Johnathan Goldman. All I can say for now is "watch this space". Much Love and Many Divine Blessings for the coming New Year.
  • Divine Greetings Anne,

    So pleased to hear yet another Soul has remembered the Solfeggio. I was guided to them a few years ago and now use the full circle in my personal, client and planetary healing sessions. The New Consciousness is truly a new way of learning. We have learnt things in the past from information without ourselves. I too like you wanted to learn the Solfeggio from someone else and at first as I was confused - but there wasn't anything out there in the way of information - only history. I realize now that we must learn from within as everything we need to learn is already inside us. I play with my forks and dance with them and I believe what I am doing is what I am meant to be doing. It's rather like healing modalities - they don't work in the New Consciousness as we can only ever heal ourselves. Just enjoy the frequencies. Some basic information can be found on Len Horowitz's site. I believe the less you know (in a left brain kinda way) - the more you know.
    I wish you well in your journey using the Solfeggio - they truly are the Divine frequencies of creation. Many Blessings
  • Bonjour Anne,

    J'habite Outremont également. Sur la rue Querbes. J'ai lu la description de ce que tu appelles Resonance Bathing. Ça m'intrigue!

    Je suis thérapeute et j'explore actuellement the "non-dual" psychotherapy.

    Au plaisir!
  • Bonjour Anne,

    J'ai fait la potentiation du 13 mais je n'ai pas pu être présent pour toute la durée de l'événement...

    On peut dire que je suis dans les soins à la petite enfance.

    Je suis papa à la maison et photographe à temps très très partiel.

  • Bonjour Anne!

    Voisine de comment loin ?!
    J'habite Montréal. Et toi?

    Au plaisir,
  • Coucou!

  • Hi there, Anne! Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum!

    May you experience our community as a safe and nurturing online environment where you 1) feel free to share your experience of and 2) can get your questions about the Regenetics Method answered. If you have things you wish to share or questions about a specific phase of Regenetics, please join the appropriate group (Potentiation, Articulation, etc.) as listed on the main page.


    Thanks for your conscious, and conscientious, participation in our community. :-)

    To your potential!

    Sol and Leigh

    IMPORTANT: Your presence and participation on the Regenetics Method Forum constitute your tacit acknowledgment that you have read, understand and agree to abide by our Member Guidelines.
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