
How Did You Learn about the Regenetics Method?

centerpointe.yuku board

Would You Be Willing to Share (Now or Later) Benefits You Have Received from the Regenetics Method with Other Forum Members?

Well I am skeptical by nature but a few hours before the process I started to feel something , then during the potentiation I could feel my energy changing', and since I have felt fortified, aligned, sharp and energised.

Please Share a Bit about Yourself.

Main interest is meditation and have been using Holosync for 7 yrs and about to start the Flowering level.

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  • Hi Freewilly,

    Happy New Year to you!

    Have you come to a decision about the Big Mind event? Or Arunchala?

    A couple of weeks ago I signed up for a 6-day Waking Down event in California in February. I still can't quite believe it - I haven't got the money, time or energy to spare at present, but it was one of those decisions that seems to make itself regardless of protestations.

    I was on the Jo Dunning call the other night. Were you? Thanks again for putting me on to her. I haven't kept up with the David Spero satsangs, they're just too late/early for me.

    How's Flowering 1 treating you? I'm just about to start this level today.

    I saw some Unmani clips on YouTube a couple of months ago - I liked her low-key style.

    Hope all is going well,
  • Freewilly,

    Thanks yet again: the Pulse Technique session was powerful - I was quite surprised. I've since downloaded a few youtube clips with Jo Dunning. Earlier in the evening, I'd received a Song of Distinction from Sol and Leigh, so there was quite a bit of energetic movement going on already. As you can see, I'm a bit of a hedonist for energy stuff!

    Big Mind with Genpo Roshi or Ramana pilgrimage! Probably can't go wrong whichever you choose. I got the Big Mind dvd(s?) some time back and experienced a couple of openings with the process, but didn't really know what to do with them at the time. I suppose being in the presence of Genpo, and in the context of the group would make a world of difference.

    I haven't read Jed McKenna's books. Will make a mental note of the one you mentioned, seeing as you've been putting me on to good stuff!

    Congrats on beginning Flowering! I hope to join you in a few weeks.

  • Hi Freewilly,

    Yes, I did enjoy the satsang with David Spero. Thanks for putting me on to this! He seems to be a heavyweight realizer, but with such a light touch. I'd love to continue attending these satsangs, but as I'm always resolving to get to bed earlier, I'll see how it goes.

    Thanks for the info on the Pulse Technique - I may well be on the call! I'm just listening to a YouTube interview with Jo Dunning now. Like it.

    I have a pretty good rate for international calls (not 1p a minute though), but might call using Skype, seeing there's no talking involved.

    Hope your Flowering 1 package has arrived safe and sound. I've had mine sitting in my top drawer for a couple of weeks now. Yes, while people are milling round outside in the streets screaming that the magnetic poles are shifting we'll be sitting in our armchairs nodding off to Flowering 4 and letting it all be ok.

    Best wishes,
  • Hi FreeWilly,

    Great to hear you're going 'That'! Seriously, I like your river/wetness analogy. You know, I fancied that Adi Da was blessing us all in the days after his death too.

    I'd never heard of Davis Spero, but I had a look at a few YouTube clips as you suggested: I see what you mean about the energy he radiates. I also like what he says and the way he says it. Thanks! Can I log on directly to his internet satsang or do I have to contact someone first?

    I see the Goldman cd's you mentioned at the iTunes store. Do they lose anything in lossy formats?

    Best wishes,
  • Hi Freewilly,
    Believe it or not, I couldn't figure out how to read your comment here - just scrolled down now and saw it!
    So you're 47 and will be starting Flowering in 2009... and now you've done Potentiation! Perhaps we're converging.
    Seriously, great to meet you here, and thanks for the message.
    Regarding WDM, they offer, through energetic transmission and guidance, an authentic way to realizing fundamental non-separateness. There's lots of info at www.wakingdown.org and if you go to www.tedstrauss.com and click on Free Essays you'll get an idea of what their work is about. Not really anything to do with sweetness and light, though liberation from seeking brings a fundamental sweetness and wellbeing. Best thing I've ever done!
    I'll do a search on Jonathan Goldman - heard of him but am not familiar with his work.
    Best wishes,
  • Hi there, FreeWilly! Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum!

    May you experience our community as a safe and nurturing online environment where you 1) feel free to share your experience of and 2) can get your questions about the Regenetics Method answered. If you have things you wish to share or questions about a specific phase of Regenetics, please join the appropriate group (Potentiation, Articulation, etc.) as listed on the main page.


    Thanks for your conscious, and conscientious, participation in our community. :-)

    To your potential!

    Sol and Leigh

    IMPORTANT: Your presence and participation on the Regenetics Method Forum constitute your tacit acknowledgment that you have read, understand and agree to abide by our Member Guidelines.
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