Transformation Sound Therapy

Here's an interesting new series, I've been, listening to, when I get the chance.

Just listened to Jeffrey Thompson's interview with delightful host Jen Wison.  He was one of my first forays into sound many years ago with his first cd:  Isle of Skye.  Definitely an innovative person, some people call him the Einstein of Sound.  He's just released a breakthrough cd called Beyond that resets our "default mode network" which is involved with many of our neurological conditions.  Listened to it last night and my brain felt "inspired".  He describes the "default mode network" as our "quantum reality generator" what creates our reality moment to moment.  Lovely piece of music!

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  • Got you. Thanks for the info!

    Andrew B said:

    LTP - 50 and LTP - 500

    Unfortunately this whole field is still a little shady as to pricing but Steve provides good service and the

    quality looks good.

    He says his lasers are of higher quality than what you find on amazon, that's why the higher price, but he offers no proof of that claim.  Don't even know who makes these lasers.

  • LTP - 50 and LTP - 500

    Unfortunately this whole field is still a little shady as to pricing but Steve provides good service and the

    quality looks good.

    He says his lasers are of higher quality than what you find on amazon, that's why the higher price, but he offers no proof of that claim.  Don't even know who makes these lasers.

    Sol said:

    Very cool. What specific laser(s) are you using?

    Andrew B said:

    Seems to have helped my toe nail fungus a lot where nothing else has.  I'll see if it totally clears but am hopeful.

    Seems to have built up [660 red & 808 near infra red frequencies combined] my gums and reversed tooth decay.   Will have to verify with dentist on my next check up.

    Basically feels nourishing, relaxing and strengthening.

    Only been using the lasers for about 3 weeks.

  • Very cool. What specific laser(s) are you using?

    Andrew B said:

    Seems to have helped my toe nail fungus a lot where nothing else has.  I'll see if it totally clears but am hopeful.

    Seems to have built up [660 red & 808 near infra red frequencies combined] my gums and reversed tooth decay.   Will have to verify with dentist on my next check up.

    Basically feels nourishing, relaxing and strengthening.

    Only been using the lasers for about 3 weeks.

  • Seems to have helped my toe nail fungus a lot where nothing else has.  I'll see if it totally clears but am hopeful.

    Seems to have built up [660 red & 808 near infra red frequencies combined] my gums and reversed tooth decay.   Will have to verify with dentist on my next check up.

    Basically feels nourishing, relaxing and strengthening.

    Only been using the lasers for about 3 weeks.

    Sol said:

    Thanks for the link. Interesting technology, though very expensive for individuals ... Please let me know if you hear of/from people with experience of it ...

    What have you noticed from low level lasers so far?

    Andrew B said:

    Hi Sol,

    Here's an interesting technology using photobiomodulation aka cold or low level lasers and targeting 

    this mystical default mode network.  I haven't tried it but I've been experimenting with low level lasers and really like their effect.

  • Thanks for the link. Interesting technology, though very expensive for individuals ... Please let me know if you hear of/from people with experience of it ...

    What have you noticed from low level lasers so far?

    Andrew B said:

    Hi Sol,

    Here's an interesting technology using photobiomodulation aka cold or low level lasers and targeting 

    this mystical default mode network.  I haven't tried it but I've been experimenting with low level lasers and really like their effect.

  • Hi Sol,

    Here's an interesting technology using photobiomodulation aka cold or low level lasers and targeting 

    this mystical default mode network.  I haven't tried it but I've been experimenting with low level lasers and really like their effect.

    Sol said:

    I think I had read this description somewhere else. In any case I feel that I get the gist.

    I've been listening to BEYOND regularly for the past week or so. It's quite beautiful and I'm enjoying it, but I still can't tell if I'm noticing any positive effects from it.

    I'll let you know if that changes ...

    Andrew B said:

    Hi Sol,

    Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has updated his page with a clearer elaboration of this "Default Mode Network".

    Can't say I really understand it.   One step "beyond"!

    Sol said:

    In addition to watching your videos on the default mode network, I listened to the interview with Jeffrey Thompson and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Honestly, I believe Regenetics is capable, in many instances, of helping reestablish homeostasis in the default mode network.

    Be that as it may, I plan to get my hands (ears) on Thompson's "Beyond" to see how it, um, resonates. ;-)

  • I think I had read this description somewhere else. In any case I feel that I get the gist.

    I've been listening to BEYOND regularly for the past week or so. It's quite beautiful and I'm enjoying it, but I still can't tell if I'm noticing any positive effects from it.

    I'll let you know if that changes ...

    Andrew B said:

    Hi Sol,

    Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has updated his page with a clearer elaboration of this "Default Mode Network".

    Can't say I really understand it.   One step "beyond"!

    Sol said:

    In addition to watching your videos on the default mode network, I listened to the interview with Jeffrey Thompson and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Honestly, I believe Regenetics is capable, in many instances, of helping reestablish homeostasis in the default mode network.

    Be that as it may, I plan to get my hands (ears) on Thompson's "Beyond" to see how it, um, resonates. ;-)

  • Hi Sol,

    Dr. Jeffrey Thompson has updated his page with a clearer elaboration of this "Default Mode Network".

    Can't say I really understand it.   One step "beyond"!

    Sol said:

    In addition to watching your videos on the default mode network, I listened to the interview with Jeffrey Thompson and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Honestly, I believe Regenetics is capable, in many instances, of helping reestablish homeostasis in the default mode network.

    Be that as it may, I plan to get my hands (ears) on Thompson's "Beyond" to see how it, um, resonates. ;-)

  • Here's to crossing indeed, Andrew! :-)

    It's fantastic that you've been able to use Regenetics to access the guidance and wisdom behind this unfolding process ... 

    Just to clarify, my point about Regenetics and the default mode network is that, for any number of the reported healings that have happened via this work to have happened, this network would have had to be bolstered--if not reset entirely.

    Does this happen with everyone who experiences Regenetics? I would say no, given the range of results from this work. But I believe, based on logical interpretation, that the default mode network can be reset through Regenetics.

    Your point about Regenetics leading one forward toward healing solutions, however achieved, is well taken. I write about being energetically supported in following one's nose along the path of serendipity to healing in PYD ...

    Onward and upward!

  • One way or another.  To me I see Regenetics leading you gradually, from Potentiation to

    Transcension, allowing you access to the guidance and wisdom of the master field which then brings

    you to what you need to help bring those "miracles" into your life.  I don't know maybe that's just how

    my mind works - so I don't see a separation between Regenetics and the "default mode network" or

    whatever -  it all eventually becomes one.   So you are right Regenetics takes you to whatever you are ready for.  It's the foundational process if you stay with it and that's no easy matter in this restless world.   I guess Regenetics is the default mode field so best to get that in first.  It's not lost on me that I'm almost through the Transcension process before the "default mode network" broke through to my consciousness, actually Beyond didn't even exist until quite recently.  There is very little information on it and he only goes into it at the end of the interview!  Glad it spoke to you Sol!

    It's also come in at this Transition Zone, just before Uranus moves into Taurus, which is a hugely challenging time, so I can use all the inspiration I can get and little insights can move mountains.

    Here's to the crossing!

    Sol said:

    In addition to watching your videos on the default mode network, I listened to the interview with Jeffrey Thompson and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Honestly, I believe Regenetics is capable, in many instances, of helping reestablish homeostasis in the default mode network.

    Be that as it may, I plan to get my hands (ears) on Thompson's "Beyond" to see how it, um, resonates. ;-)

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