Transformation Sound Therapy
Here's an interesting new series, I've been, listening to, when I get the chance.
Read more…Here's an interesting new series, I've been, listening to, when I get the chance.
Read more…Hi Sol,
What do you think of Santos Bonacci's fine distinction of the vowel sounds?
He's quite the character. He talks a lot about the value of cell salts too.
Read more…Hi Sol,
Why do you think some people get healed from quite serious conditions with just the light therapies, i.e.. meditation, visualization, etc. like in Joe Dispenza book, You are the Placebo? Are we talking about a different magnitude of transf
Read more…If sound is the true medium of creation/manifestation/healing, how are some ways we can use it in our everyday lives and environments (especially for those of us who live in the city and don't get to be out in nature as often as we'd like)?
Read more…Hi everybody,
I have now completed my Articulation and waiting for my next to come Elucidation. I would like to know if there would be any particular type of meditation which would enhance and benefit the process. There are so many methods out there
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