I began the process on the 3rd of March through the world wide potentiation ceremony. I have had some great results so far. My chronic back pain and chronic fatigue have lessened enormously. The other things I've been experiencing include dreams about past traumas - which unfortunately was numerous as a child. Has anyone else experienced this?
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I appreciate you saying about acknowledging the pain/dread/fear because I feel quite stuck in that pain at the moment. Although I'm searching for a way to to give her some closure, it's just not possible when the feelings are so overpowering. I totally get 'simply acknowledging the pain' as this is all I can really do.
I am keen for any analysis as your perception is helping me immensely. Where do you live in America? I haven't heard of Phoenix or Sedona but I assume it's near you? Have you had any changes since articulation?
I feel like I owe you an apology, Kelly. I've always had an analytical nature. Sometimes that helps people, but at other times it just irritates them, or confuses them. it's hard for me to know, in discussions like this, when another poster is inviting deeper discussion as opposed to just sharing. In your case I sense it's more about sharing. So I'll back off the analytical comments unless you ask for that kind of feedback.
It's important to acknowledge the girl and her pain/dread/fear. There's nothing easy about dealing with trauma, and it sounds like that girl had no support system. Sometimes just releasing the emotion is all that's needed for the moment.
Last night I dreamed I was back at work but I fell asleep before my shift started and I missed 3 hours of work. Talk about sleeping on the job! And THEN, in another thread of the dream, I couldn't get my act together and I ended up missing a flight to PHOENIX of all places. I had been going to visit family, supposedly, but I feel it's connected to Regenetics. Also perhaps to a trip I'd like to take to Sedona this fall but don't feel I can arrange at this time.
I'm not a fan of any of the feelings this brings up for me, it is more than fear it is dread plus hopelessness and death. Like that little girl died. The emotions around that time for me were a myriad of every feeling that had happened to me up until that point - sexual abuse and physical abuse and neglect. I wanted to jump out that window. However I didn't and I'm still here obviously and in a much better frame of mind, but at that space in time I was at the end of the rope.
Sol - Thank you for that observation. I felt like the force was threatening my life, but maybe it/he actually just wanted to scare me.
Kelly - As I read over your post today (second time), 2 thoughts occur to me. One, this childhood issue has come up so that you can release at least some of that fear, which you have carried with you at some level ever since that incident. Fear can express as anything considered negative, such as bitterness, anger, blame, shame, or any kind of attack on self/other. Any emotion not based on love is based on fear.
Two, this might be a good time to carefully consider how you tell the story. Perhaps you are being prompted to tell it differently. The version as written above focuses on how afraid you were. I get that. I'm sure I would have been scared, too. I imagine most 14-year-olds would be, and people much older for that matter. I'm sorry you have been traumatized by such an experience.
But time has moved you forward, Kelly, and the time has come to heal. What did that child do? Did she survive by further shaming herself, or did she triumph in a way that made her proud? How do you feel about that child now? Are you still ashamed of her, or proud of her? Do you need to forgive her?
There's no need to discuss any of this on the forum if you aren't comfortable with it. I just hope you will give this some thought, unless nothing I've said resonates. Maybe I'm missing the point, but I want to help. :)
I did have a dream last night that was related to my past. I was at a pub talking to old high school friends then it shifted to us getting in a car and travelling to the bottle shop - meanwhile I was also at highschool and I had a report due - we had to write a story. I had already written my story but I asked my friends in the car if it would be a better idea if I wrote a story about my experience of being expelled from my old school. Meanwhile in a another time period of the dream I was also that little 14 year old girl scared shitless at boarding school after being told I was expelled and having nowhere to go as both my parents lived in Papua New Guinea and I was at boarding school in Australia. I had my port packed and I was standing in an attic at boarding school looking out the window, scared and not knowing what to do.
It's extremely common for dreams to come up following activations--and they do often have important messages for us.
Though I don't have a lot to add by way of analysis, I did want to say that I found it funny the man was trying to "suffocate" you with a sheet.
Unless he was wadding up the sheet and shoving it in your face, it seems he wasn't really trying to suffocate you--since a blanket or pillow would be needed to actually keep you from breathing ...
I can't be sure, but like I said last time, I've repeatedly heard it said that every character appearing in a dream is an aspect of the dreamer. However, even if this is ultimately true, is it any different from saying that every being I encounter in "real life" is (or represents) an aspect of me, given that we are all One? At some point it feels like meaning gets lost.
I recall two dreams from many years ago in which I saw Jesus, and those were both very uplifting and revealing dreams...I want to think it was really HIM and not just an aspect of me, but is there really any contradiction between the 2 viewpoints? It's both very simple and very complicated.
So the challenge is to find an interpretation that satisfies me. Since I can easily identify with the witch and see myself in her quite plainly, the most obvious interpretation of THAT dream is that I'm struggling with certain life challenges because I'm neglecting to use my natural "power" as a Child of God in the most productive ways. The good news is that I can hear The Voice -- at least some of the time -- and I have some sense of what path I want to follow even when I resist or "fail" or feel defeated.
While writing this it has come to me that all I need do to "bond" with anyone is simply to love them. Even if they never love me back, or never know I exist, by loving them I automatically reclaim something of myself that has value. It can be easier said than done, though. ;)
As for the man, that's a lot harder. I don't want to be a hateful or violent person, but I know it's in me, nonetheless. Who knows what horrible things I might have done throughout my history as a being? The dream does not feel prophetic to me in a literal sense, but it's possible there could be a spirit around me who would do harm if allowed. In any case, the good news is that the protective forces around me are stronger. I need to remember to invite their assistance, however, and to keep the love in me stronger than the hate. If I get any big "AHA" moments in the next couple of days I'll let you know. :)
So what about you, Kelly? Any significant dreams to report?
Who is the man Jemerald? I think it's fantastic that you have remembered the words from your dream - they sound very powerful, good luck with interpreting them.
Meanwhile, my own articulation session was last night, and I had another dream that seemed connected. It complements the first dream I posted quite well.
I was in a different house, in bed. It seemed like the middle of the night and I woke to see a strange car drive right into the bedroom by the far wall. I saw what appeared to be the outline of a man in the driver's seat. I guessed as to his identity but did not know. I tried to turn on the light but it would not come on.
Time passed, as if I somehow fell back to sleep (fat chance that would really happen!). After waking again I thought to try to hide from the man by covering my head with the sheet, and next thing I knew I felt a powerful force (more other-dimensional than physical) attempting to suffocate me within that sheet. I called out for help -- at least inside my head -- and within seconds the forceful grip was released and I could pull the sheet away. I recall some reference to either thinking or hearing that I could call upon that help at any time.
When I was able to see the room again I noticed several lamps near the bed -- or were they clocks? Somehow the two items got confused for me. But assuming they were lamps I never knew whether or not I could have turned them on successfully in the darkness.
I also recall a tiny snippet at the end of another dream. This time I was watching a musical production. The lead character was a witch -- not necessarily evil -- and things were not going her way. Someone else was singing lines to her, but I don't recall an actor on the stage. It was just a voice. I wrote down the final lines as I remembered them upon waking from this dream:
VOICE: Use your power.
WITCH: I can't.
VOICE: Use your power.
WITCH: It doesn't matter.
VOICE: Use your power...TO BOND!
I assume the word "bond" meant as in bonding with another being. Anyway, both dreams seemed significant and quite possibly related to the activation.
I feel like I owe you an apology, Kelly. I've always had an analytical nature. Sometimes that helps people, but at other times it just irritates them, or confuses them. it's hard for me to know, in discussions like this, when another poster is inviting deeper discussion as opposed to just sharing. In your case I sense it's more about sharing. So I'll back off the analytical comments unless you ask for that kind of feedback.
It's important to acknowledge the girl and her pain/dread/fear. There's nothing easy about dealing with trauma, and it sounds like that girl had no support system. Sometimes just releasing the emotion is all that's needed for the moment.
Last night I dreamed I was back at work but I fell asleep before my shift started and I missed 3 hours of work. Talk about sleeping on the job! And THEN, in another thread of the dream, I couldn't get my act together and I ended up missing a flight to PHOENIX of all places. I had been going to visit family, supposedly, but I feel it's connected to Regenetics. Also perhaps to a trip I'd like to take to Sedona this fall but don't feel I can arrange at this time.
Sol - Thank you for that observation. I felt like the force was threatening my life, but maybe it/he actually just wanted to scare me.
Kelly - As I read over your post today (second time), 2 thoughts occur to me. One, this childhood issue has come up so that you can release at least some of that fear, which you have carried with you at some level ever since that incident. Fear can express as anything considered negative, such as bitterness, anger, blame, shame, or any kind of attack on self/other. Any emotion not based on love is based on fear.
Two, this might be a good time to carefully consider how you tell the story. Perhaps you are being prompted to tell it differently. The version as written above focuses on how afraid you were. I get that. I'm sure I would have been scared, too. I imagine most 14-year-olds would be, and people much older for that matter. I'm sorry you have been traumatized by such an experience.
But time has moved you forward, Kelly, and the time has come to heal. What did that child do? Did she survive by further shaming herself, or did she triumph in a way that made her proud? How do you feel about that child now? Are you still ashamed of her, or proud of her? Do you need to forgive her?
There's no need to discuss any of this on the forum if you aren't comfortable with it. I just hope you will give this some thought, unless nothing I've said resonates. Maybe I'm missing the point, but I want to help. :)
Fascinating dream and analysis, Jemerald!
It's extremely common for dreams to come up following activations--and they do often have important messages for us.
Though I don't have a lot to add by way of analysis, I did want to say that I found it funny the man was trying to "suffocate" you with a sheet.
Unless he was wadding up the sheet and shoving it in your face, it seems he wasn't really trying to suffocate you--since a blanket or pillow would be needed to actually keep you from breathing ...
I can't be sure, but like I said last time, I've repeatedly heard it said that every character appearing in a dream is an aspect of the dreamer. However, even if this is ultimately true, is it any different from saying that every being I encounter in "real life" is (or represents) an aspect of me, given that we are all One? At some point it feels like meaning gets lost.
I recall two dreams from many years ago in which I saw Jesus, and those were both very uplifting and revealing dreams...I want to think it was really HIM and not just an aspect of me, but is there really any contradiction between the 2 viewpoints? It's both very simple and very complicated.
So the challenge is to find an interpretation that satisfies me. Since I can easily identify with the witch and see myself in her quite plainly, the most obvious interpretation of THAT dream is that I'm struggling with certain life challenges because I'm neglecting to use my natural "power" as a Child of God in the most productive ways. The good news is that I can hear The Voice -- at least some of the time -- and I have some sense of what path I want to follow even when I resist or "fail" or feel defeated.
While writing this it has come to me that all I need do to "bond" with anyone is simply to love them. Even if they never love me back, or never know I exist, by loving them I automatically reclaim something of myself that has value. It can be easier said than done, though. ;)
As for the man, that's a lot harder. I don't want to be a hateful or violent person, but I know it's in me, nonetheless. Who knows what horrible things I might have done throughout my history as a being? The dream does not feel prophetic to me in a literal sense, but it's possible there could be a spirit around me who would do harm if allowed. In any case, the good news is that the protective forces around me are stronger. I need to remember to invite their assistance, however, and to keep the love in me stronger than the hate. If I get any big "AHA" moments in the next couple of days I'll let you know. :)
So what about you, Kelly? Any significant dreams to report?
Meanwhile, my own articulation session was last night, and I had another dream that seemed connected. It complements the first dream I posted quite well.
I was in a different house, in bed. It seemed like the middle of the night and I woke to see a strange car drive right into the bedroom by the far wall. I saw what appeared to be the outline of a man in the driver's seat. I guessed as to his identity but did not know. I tried to turn on the light but it would not come on.
Time passed, as if I somehow fell back to sleep (fat chance that would really happen!). After waking again I thought to try to hide from the man by covering my head with the sheet, and next thing I knew I felt a powerful force (more other-dimensional than physical) attempting to suffocate me within that sheet. I called out for help -- at least inside my head -- and within seconds the forceful grip was released and I could pull the sheet away. I recall some reference to either thinking or hearing that I could call upon that help at any time.
When I was able to see the room again I noticed several lamps near the bed -- or were they clocks? Somehow the two items got confused for me. But assuming they were lamps I never knew whether or not I could have turned them on successfully in the darkness.
I also recall a tiny snippet at the end of another dream. This time I was watching a musical production. The lead character was a witch -- not necessarily evil -- and things were not going her way. Someone else was singing lines to her, but I don't recall an actor on the stage. It was just a voice. I wrote down the final lines as I remembered them upon waking from this dream:
VOICE: Use your power.
WITCH: I can't.
VOICE: Use your power.
WITCH: It doesn't matter.
VOICE: Use your power...TO BOND!
I assume the word "bond" meant as in bonding with another being. Anyway, both dreams seemed significant and quite possibly related to the activation.