
How Did You Learn about the Regenetics Method?

a post on energeticforum.com asked about the method

Would You Be Willing to Share (Now or Later) Benefits You Have Received from the Regenetics Method with Other Forum Members?


Please Share a Bit about Yourself.

Simple and natural appeals to me. I don't want to have to be on a complicated, expensive supplement program or see a practitioner on a frequent basis because I've always felt there's got to be another way for a person to heal at the root of the problem. I have severe allergies to grass pollen and general anxiety and panic disorder, so when I read testimonials of people whose allergies healed or had less anxiety, I knew I had to try Regenetics. I've tried EFT and NAET without lasting results. Also, I am interested in the idea of using Regenetics on my dogs to counter the effects of vaccines; and to help my flock of chickens resist a high load of parasites. I hope to learn from forum members if Regenetics has helped people with Type 2 diabetes because I know that will appeal to my skeptical husband.

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  • Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum, Stephanie!

    We're honored that you're here.

    To get started, please read our Member Orientation.

    If you have any questions or if we may be of service, just let us know!


    Sol & Leigh
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