
How Did You Learn about the Regenetics Method?


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Please Share a Bit about Yourself.

I'm a mother of three adult sons. A life long student of personal development. I practice Powerful Intentions, Laws Of Attraction, and SOGR. As a student of higher consciousness learning-metaphysics, I seek to embody the universal principles, and fully harness the energy and power within me, to create harmony around me, while striving toward obtaining the highest degree of enlightenment. My greatest desire is to achieve through my words, deeds, and spirituality Universal growth, empowerment, and connectedness, with my sisters around the globe (brothers also.)In addition to my personal ifemale endeavors, I'm also President of a Chapter of WICO, Women's International Coalition-for Culture of Peace,Non-Violence and Empowered Women"NGO. www.wicohome.org I'm somewhat introverted, but prone to spurts of extroversion. Passionate about my truths, one being that we are all connected to one universal power, and must come together as one for the well being of our planet, and our future generations. I'm an entrepreneur, ecopreneur, and enjoy writing books and plays. I worked many years for someone else, during which time I became interested in network marketing, and real estate, and through both endeavors, found working for myself, the most rewarding for me.

I understand that 1) spamming (sending unsolicited group emails, for example); 2) overt marketing of other products or services; and/or 3) behaving disrespectfully toward other Forum Members will result in immediate cancellation of my subscription without a refund.


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  • Hi there, Kimberley! Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum! It's always a joy to see your photo again. :-)

    May you experience our community as a safe and nurturing online environment where you 1) feel free to share your experience of and 2) can get your questions about the Regenetics Method answered. If you have things you wish to share or questions about a specific phase of Regenetics, please join the appropriate group (Potentiation, Articulation, etc.) as listed on the main page.


    Thanks for your conscious, and conscientious, participation in our community. :-)

    To your potential!

    Sol and Leigh

    IMPORTANT: Your presence and participation on the Regenetics Method Forum constitute your tacit acknowledgment that you have read, understand and agree to abide by our Member Guidelines.
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