
How Did You Learn about the Regenetics Method?

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Would You Be Willing to Share (Now or Later) Benefits You Have Received from the Regenetics Method with Other Forum Members?

Absolutely. At this point I don't have much to report. For 2 days after my potentiation my sleep improved, but that is normally the number of days I experience an improvement with most therapies. Frustrating to say the least. I am hopeful the benefits will return in this area.

Please Share a Bit about Yourself.

I have had chronic health issues for the last 21 years. Constant headaches dominate. I have multiple chemical and food sensitivities, all of which trigger debilitating headaches. I am down to about 12 foods that I can eat without a reaction. Insomnia is persistent along with the regulars of brain fog, SAD, bone loss etc. Handling any detox has always been problematic. I have discovered I can do an ionic foot bath for 8 minutes if I follow it with a zeolite mineral foot bath to minimize toxic reaction. I am excited about this discovery. I am looking forward to being able to meditate again--as this too triggers a headache. I do not define myself by these challenges as they have guided me on a wonderful spiritual journey. I look forward to visiting with all of you.

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  • Hi there, Kim! Welcome to the Regenetics Method Forum!

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    Sol & Leigh

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