I want to provide the parents of my autistic clients some information and I'm wondering if
a) you, Sol and Leigh, have given "regenetics" to anyone with autism, and what the results are?
b) if you have not directly done so, what are your thoughts on this?
c) Would there be any risk doing regenetics for someone who is currently taking drugs to control seizures, or if no risk, would there be benefit? (i.e. if the person is still taking drugs, than it seems to my mind that true detox cannot happen...? and that first stopping the drugs would be necessary, or why bother with Regenetics ... ?)
d) The clients I work with would not be able to give their consent to receiving Regenetics - ie. they would not necessarily understand - would this be a barrier? I may be able to explain it in simple terms and have them offer a yes or no, if they would like this "healing" done - ie. explain it is something that will help them "feel better", although their understanding would be partial.
Any other insights into autism and reversing autism are appreciated, including if you have come across any researchers or resources who are looking at autism in a new way.
I think that for one of my clients, before re-genetics, a major diet change would need to come first, or the regenetics may not have much effect - am I thinking straight here?
Also, I know that you suggest a minimalist approach when it comes to detox, but I would love to hear your suggestions for what works for serious detoxification (ie. high doses of spirulina / chlorella, chelation therapy and what kinds, adya clarity - (have you tried adya clarity and would love your thoughts on it), high doses of B3 and vit.C, amino acids, liquid zeolite, etc. It is easier to work with my body, as it is a intuitive process, but to assist someone else with their detox is harder, so any suggestions here may prove guiding. Also, those with autism are more severely toxicated and may need more than just regenetics, hence this question.
Very related to this last point, personally in my healing journey I also have a question: I STILL, after 3 + years of serious detox, (ie. pure diet, etc), have bloodshot eyes and toxins, esp. in the liver - I am looking into adya clarity or zeolite or ? to support my detox ... I am due up for "Elucidation" in about a month (my articulation was in August) - would you suggest any particular supplement to help me detox my liver? (Although hmmm, I see that Elucidation works on the emotional subtle body, on hormonal regulation, and forgiveness, all of which i can see corresponding to my liver...)
That was a lot of ?s. Thank you for any answers or re-directions to other info if possible.
from my heart to yours,
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Thank you so much for your kind words of support. I am truly grateful that I found the book Potentiate Your DNA. It is life changing and this method has inspired me so much that I became a facilitator for the Regenetics method. To see my son making progress as the days pass just fills me with hope. And I hope that other children in the spectrum will be able to experience the benefits of Potentiation.
Nathan Lamont Cloud JR said:
That's so fantastic! For searchability would you be willing to repost this as an independent discussion in the Potentiation group? Thanks! That would be wonderful ...
Mar said:
Hello Mar,
I simply want to say congrats on one, having the intelligence and courage to Potentiate your son. I can only imagine the healing that will occur not only within him but your also your relationship with him as well. This is a beautiful thing and I wanted to acknowledge and honor that, you are an outstanding mother for this and it is so empowering and inspirational that you share this for us all to read. I wish you and your son much more healing and good days to come beloved soul.
Hi I potentiated my 11 yr old son with autism this past May. Within weeks, his rash on his legs that he’s had for 5 yrs disappeared. We also discontinued supplements/meds he was taking for gut health and brain inflammation. His motor skills improved as well and is becoming more aware as the days pass. Lately, he’s been becoming more consistent in his progress in school as well and I’m getting more good days on his progress book from his teacher than difficult ones. It’s only been 3.5 months and I am so excited to witness his healing taking place.
Leaf said:
I appreciate the feedback. I have more questions than I started with, which is good, it is leading my further investigations. Yes, healing the gut - this is a common theme in many aspects I have been engaging with. Starting there = a good start. Thanks for your response.
warmly, sarabi.
Jackie de Vries said:
Yes, your input is definitely useful. I will be ordering Potentiate your DNA hopefully soon. I have taken your suggestions about eating more starch and found this to be helpful. I appreciate you and Sol very much, and will be contacting you soon for an Elucidation session. I think some of the parents of autistic children I work with may not be able to open themselves up to this level of healing, but I perhaps I pre-judge. I hope I am courageous and wise enough to present them with information about Regenetics in a way and manner that encourages them to open up and investigate more.
thanks for your reply, and in general thank you for this forum - it is a real feeling of solidarity that I am feeling by your support here.
We have worked with children with autism with very positive responses. Their parents have definitely noticed improvement in abilities and behavior.
As you can see in Electromagnetic Schematic 1, autism is in the 7th field. We believe it is linked to vaccination damage, trauma, and accumulated toxicity, so it is appropriate to improve diet and support cleansing.
Without making any medical claims, we feel that Regenetics is especially capable of assisting with the necessary detoxification and balancing to support normal physical, cognitive and emotional functioning. Obviously, shifting the diet is helpful for proper nutrition, but even small changes at first (like reducing refined sugars and processed foods and increasing whole foods) could be enormously beneficial in tandem with this work.
Regenetics can be really helpful even if someone is unable or unwilling to stop medication. We have seen people be able to tolerate medications better after Regenetics, as well as discover less of a need for them as time goes by, in addition to experiencing reduced side effects/toxic effects over time.
You could say that one's constitution and ability to not be "toxified" by one's environment becomes stronger. Being less sensitive to outside influences means better functioning all around, which can contribute powerfully to healing on multiple levels.
We don't have hard and fast rules about what people should or should not do while undergoing Regenetics because everyone is so different and people meet this work at the place they are comfortable and go forward from there. It is naturally supportive of where one is on his or her own path.
We highly recommend our new book, Potentiate Your DNA, to flesh out answers to your other questions, such as how to work with people who cannot give their consent, as well as whole sections specifically devoted to supporting the unfoldment process and detoxification.
As far as serious detoxification ... It is our experience and observation that Regenetics can stimulate this on its own for people where it is necessary. There is fine line between supporting detox and pushing oneself too hard by doing too many things to force additional detox when the body's natural wisdom is already keyed (through Regenetics) to release in a way and on a timeline it can handle. Again, we discuss this in Potentiate Your DNA.
Adding too much "fuel to the fire" can make the process extremely uncomfortable and can make one feel sick, even if one is simply cleansing. This, again, will vary according to the individual. Autistic people aren't necessary more toxic. We think there are other factors involved, such as trauma that could have been induced early on upon receiving vaccinations or afterward.
In response to your personal detox situation, we've mentioned in previous correspondence that eating enough starch is important for binding toxins, thus helping take the load off the body (and liver) and carrying toxins safely out of the body. This is important if you know you are still detoxing a lot.
When appropriate, we prefer whole herb extracts and whole superfood extracts, such as chlorophyll as our first line of defense for extra support.
From a naturopathic and herbal perspective, feeding the body nutritively for support is more beneficial than using something to "pull out" more toxins, so anything that nourishes the liver such as Milk Thistle, Burdock or Dandelion, in our personal opinion, are going to be better than things that force the body to release more, such as chelation or zeolite.
But, of course, this is just our opinion based on experience with Regenetics and none of this is medical advice. :-) We hope our input is useful.
Many blessings,
My approach to reversing autism includes functional medicine approach to supporting/healing the gut, bringing all systems toward balance and THEN working on detoxification. I collaborate with medical practitioners (carefully chosen ones) that support my clients in this process. Simultaneously they work with a CEASE homeopath to undo and clear vaccine imprints and other imprints in their system (all the way back to epigenetics - the imprints in their parents systems). Where I focus is on the neurophysiological development (reflex integration) and brain connections (infra low frequency neurofeedback). My energy holds everything together for my clients because they need as much support as they can get while the repatterning is happening. There is alot of energy work, that comes from my community of support, I can't really describe it. When you are ready for that, it will make itself known to you. Blessings, Jackie