
Hello again Sol,
I had messaged you about 2 months ago in regards to questioning if I had received potentiation, and asking about what was happening in my body~ you had replied through email. I thought this round to place this into the discussion board. 

I had shared that I was having diarrhea and stomach gurgling ~ which you replied as my body is most likely detoxing and to eat healthy starches for binding.

I’m now again in a place of questioning what’s happening in my body as I have still been experiencing loose stools and constant gurgling..
Lately how I’ve been feeling and with the taste in my mouth + white on the back of my tongue it seems like I could have some Candida overgrowth. + fatigued and having a challenging time focusing.

I am contemplating going to get some testing done.

Also If I were to have parasite and candida over growth I’ve been questioning if eating starches would add to their development and not assist in clearing this up?

I received potentiation at the beginning of March so going on 5 months ago now ~ I am doing my best to trust the process but I am feeling concerned and would appreciate any insights you may have again,

thank you so much.


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  • Hello Brittani, as you await a response from Sol, I thought I would weigh in.  I am a functional nutritionist trained by Andrea Nakayama's Functional Nutrition Alliance. I've picked up a few other tricks along the way too. You don't mention what your normal diet or eating patterns looks like or what phase and electromagnetic group you believe you are in.  But just in general it sounds like you could be taking some steps known to support the gut. The Gut 101 I like to share is as follows: Include once a day a root vegetable. This can be an onion, beet, carrot, potato, sweet potato, or whatever as long as it's a root.  Include an apple a day as the pectin is gut supportive. Get or make some high quality bone broth or minimally use a collagen protein powder daily. Drink slippery elm tea to coat and soothe the digestive tract. Take a quality probiotic in the morning along with some s.boulardi probiotic on an empty stomach and allow at least an hour for that to get started so that the s.boulardi is working in the gut.   S.boulardi specifically targets candida and escorts it out of the body rather than killling it so you are not having to deal with the endo toxins released by dying candida. Also daily garlic and coconut oil or caprylic acid supplement will help to control candida.  As Sol points out in the book the candida is our friend and has a job to do, but it does sound like things are a bit out of hand.  Are you eliminating well is another question to ask yourself. See that you are getting sufficient fiber, and yet not so much as to be binding.  Drink LOTS of water.

    Good luck. 

    • Hi Emily, Thank you!  I appreciate your in depth repsone here. 
      My diet has fluctuated over this past while because I moved twice in the past 3 months and have been doing my best to keep myself afloat throughtout this time~ Processing and learning alot throughout this! Which has also been exhausting. 

      I have gone in and out of phases of eating bread, mainly gluten free now throughout this year- and have moved to only eating natural sugars.  I had always ate alot of treats and sugar had been my go to when emotional eating after becoming 100% sober 1.5 years ago ~ (For the first time since I Was 13 years old - I am now 30) So I am healing and processing through alot over all. 

      My diet has been really clean over the past few years - eating mainly veggies and meat grown and raised my local farmers in my area. this is great to know.. I do usually have a root vege everyday and have just started to wanting to be more intentional about probiotecs and prebiotics ~ 

      I have been questioning if i should be eating rice, or beans/legumes ~ 
      Doing my best to listen to my body but theres so much ive been healing from & conintuning to become more and more present to create meal plans moving forward--- I'm not wanting to opperate from fear modes & i've confused myself alot with spiraling on the internet trying to find info.. ;P Theres so much out there and each of our bodies are so different. 

      I've been starting my mornings with apple cider vigenar and garlic lately to have that be my stomach morning wake up call & cleanse- 

      I am not sure what electromagnetic group I am in - although I joined the potentiaation ceremony online at the beginning of march 

      You asked if I am eliminating well ? are you referring to my bowl movements ? They have been very watery at times- they have thickened up lately but then again was very soft when sent this message.

      My second time moving I was stress eating and had some pizza/bread a few times within a week- and I had my first solid poo within that time :P 

      Over all there is alot of progress happening throughout this time, this year has been a ride! I Am looking forward to continue finding balance in my diet/digestion. + calming the mind. 

      • Ok, interesting it sounds like you have a good foundation. If you potentiated in March you should be getting to that 5 month mark where the fragmentary body seals and I think that one is potentially quite something to detox from.  If you have type A blood you may be irritating your digestion with the vinegar. Supposedly once we're all potentiated we don't have to concern ourselves so much about that but if you're having issues it might be good to lay off the irritants.


        And how exciting to be getting to the sealing of the fragmentary body! 🕉

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