Time Frame for Potentiation

Just want to clarify if I am understanding the time frame after Potentiation correctly.  If I was Potentiated on May 15th early in the morning, do I count May 15th as day one?  Thereby I would have been in the 9th bioenergy center for ten days, then on the 25th I would have descended into the 8th bioenergy center till ten more days on June 4th where I will descend into 7th, etc.

I guess the key thing I need to verify is do you start counting on the day of Potentiation, or the following day as #1 day?

Do I have it correct in the spreadsheet attached?

Thanks kindly for your help.






Potentiation Time Frame.xls

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  • Yes, Day 1 is the day your Potentiation took place even if it was at night.

  • Hi Sol,

    maybe a bizarre question. Is as DAY 1  taken the date of potentation even though it took place late in the evening at 21:00?

    thanks a lot for your answer


  • My pleasure, Graeme. Glad to hear it!
  • Thanks Sol

    I appreciate your reply.

    Yes that helps.



  • Thanks for sharing, Graeme. Really, it can be uncanny how accurate the Schematics are, and how things so often shift the very day one enters a new bioenergy center.


    It's important to keep in mind that, apparently, you came to this work with your health rather compromised. There's a very good chance you've got a lot of toxicity and pathogens in your system that need to be released over time. Which means you're likely to have episodes of detox on and off for a while.


    Having said that, yes, things often shift on the way back up, as well as after sealing. There's no way of knowing what will occur in your case, but many people report things leveling out at some point during Potentiation--and if not, later on in the Method.


    Hope that helps a little! :-)

  • I have certainly had some interesting things coming through, since my Potentiation on May 15th.  From feelings of extreme anxiety and vulnerability one day to feeling terrific and much more vibrant & hopeful the next day.  Last Thursday the 14th I started descending into Bio Center 3.  Almost immediately that day I started to get a scratchy throat and then by the weekend, especially Sunday, I had a full blown head cold with swollen tonsils and running nose.  I took today off work just to relax, meditate, drink lots of juice/water, and heal.  As I referenced schematic 1 for my blueprint today I see that Bio Center 3 is the Immune system - viruses, etc.  At first I think to myself that's just frigging lovely, what else do I have in store.  Saturday morning I awoke with my pillow soaking wet from my head sweating.  Which is nothing out of the blue in itself, especially with the hotter weather of late, but this time it wreaked of malt vinegar which was really odd.  But then I took comfort in the fact that the process is doing it's job - cleansing & detoxing as it should.

    I have a question though.... generally speaking, I know everyone is probably different, but when I start ascending back up through the Bio-Centers come August 13th, can the process be as chaotic as the descending process?   Is it generally better in that regard or can it be just as brutal all the way through to Sealing?
  • Hi Graeme,

    You are exactly right. Day 1 is the day of your Potentiation. Your chart is nicely done, and will be an easy at-a-glance reference for tracking your process.

    Many blessings,


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