Posted by Kelly Fauth on August 11, 2016 at 10:11pm
Hi all, now that I've started the articulation process I have been drawn to information on opening the pineal gland. Does anyone have any information on how best to do that?
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Hi Sol, the video I posted goes for 3 hrs but the first hour goes into the Russian experiments you described in the book. I thought it would be good for people who need more visual clarification on what you describe in the book. Also thank-you for pointing out about the breathing specifically kundalini breathing, I am very excited about delving into this as well.
I haven't watched this particular video, but I'm very familiar with David Wilcock, who has always been a great source of information and inspiration.
As for his new book, I'm not sure what's in it, so it's hard to say if one would be advised to read the first two books. That said, I highly recommend both THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS and THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY.
In terms of yoga, just to clarify for anyone reading this thread, the link I shared is for a specific kind of extremely ancient, quite unadulterated yogic breathing that, as best I can tell, is in a class by itself in a number of ways.
Sol I'm just posting this David Wilcock video here because it really explains some of your DNA information in 'potentiate your DNA' not sure if you wanted to post it to the your video wall.
Thanks Sol, I am already doing yoga - so I'm going to keep expanding on my practice and implement some meditation at the end. I also saw the David Wilcock video 'the source field investigations - OMG I am so blown away. I see he has a new book called the 'ascension mysteries' would it be worth buying his new book straight away or would it be better to read some of his older books first so that I'm not missing anything?
Funny you should post this, Kelly. I just did a painting yesterday I titled THIRD EYE. Maybe I'll get around to sharing it.
In a profound sense my entire novel SNOOZE is devoted to this topic, and the related notion of activating the siddhis, or superhuman powers--although I don't go into how-to territory in that text.
In POTENTIATE YOUR DNA I mention consuming butter oil in combination with fermented cod liver oil as a way of decalcifying the pineal gland.
I absolutely believe Regenetics helps decalcify and activate the third eye--which might explain why so many people experience increased psychic ability as well as sometimes startling visual effects during this work ...
Additionally, it might be worth exploring Kundalini Yoga breathing techniques as taught by Yogi Bhajan and written about by David Shannahoff-Khalsa ...
Particularly, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya would appear to focus on stimulating the third eye, although many of the other meditations also seem to work to varying degrees in this area.
Fascinatingly, you can actually see the third eye by doing the "Tuning In" exercise described on page 2 of the above document ...
On the subject of this discussion ...
My latest ink-on-paper painting, THIRD EYE, is now available in a variety of high-quality print formats on Fine Art America!
I haven't watched this particular video, but I'm very familiar with David Wilcock, who has always been a great source of information and inspiration.
As for his new book, I'm not sure what's in it, so it's hard to say if one would be advised to read the first two books. That said, I highly recommend both THE SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS and THE SYNCHRONICITY KEY.
In terms of yoga, just to clarify for anyone reading this thread, the link I shared is for a specific kind of extremely ancient, quite unadulterated yogic breathing that, as best I can tell, is in a class by itself in a number of ways.
Funny you should post this, Kelly. I just did a painting yesterday I titled THIRD EYE. Maybe I'll get around to sharing it.
In a profound sense my entire novel SNOOZE is devoted to this topic, and the related notion of activating the siddhis, or superhuman powers--although I don't go into how-to territory in that text.
In POTENTIATE YOUR DNA I mention consuming butter oil in combination with fermented cod liver oil as a way of decalcifying the pineal gland.
I absolutely believe Regenetics helps decalcify and activate the third eye--which might explain why so many people experience increased psychic ability as well as sometimes startling visual effects during this work ...
Additionally, it might be worth exploring Kundalini Yoga breathing techniques as taught by Yogi Bhajan and written about by David Shannahoff-Khalsa ...
Particularly, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya would appear to focus on stimulating the third eye, although many of the other meditations also seem to work to varying degrees in this area.
Fascinatingly, you can actually see the third eye by doing the "Tuning In" exercise described on page 2 of the above document ...