Hi, I have just recently started the potentiation process and am now in my7th bioenergy center (electromagnetic schematic I). Using muscle testing I found that my Will Miasm has been activated. Can anybody tell me how that activation manifest please? What symptoms do I look for?
Thank You.
Right on. You might also check in at different stages of the process, as opposed to waiting to the very end, to see if any open miasms have closed ... Please let us know what you discover! :-)
Gesine Mc Gregor said:
Thank you Sol. I understand it better now. I will test again at the end of the Potentiation process.
In homeopathy, yes, an "activated" miasm is considered a negative. But since we're talking about DNA activation (a positive), I just wanted to make sure where you were coming from. :-)
Regenetics helps close open (i.e., "activated" in homeopathic terms) miasms.
If you're getting that the will miasm is open, it's likely that the vaccination miasm is also open. I go into this topic in Chapter 13, "Era II Tools," of POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. This chapter is available as a free download at ...
As for symptoms of an open will miasm, one would expect your will to be weak or broken in one or more areas: personal, professional, etc.
You might experience difficulties with following through, keeping promises, staying on your path, etc.
You can also feel negative emotions such as discouragement, helplessness, hopelessness, and despair ...
Does this info help?
Gesine Mc Gregor said:
As far as I understand it, having a miasm that is activated is a negative thing ... and in my case it is part of the DNA activation. I am not ill (to my knowledge) and just would like to understand if the DNA activation leads to an activation of the Will miasm, what symptoms should I expect? (I hope this makes more sense?)
My question has to do with what you mean by "activated." Is this a positive or negative thing? Does it have to do with a preexisting condition or is it part of the DNA activation?
I used muscle testing on myself and asked if a miasm is activated and if it is either vaccination or will - and will came up as the answer. Does that make sense? And thank you so much for responding.
Sol said:
Hi, Gesine!
Just to be clear, when you say that you found your will miasm to be "activated," do you mean that you found it to be "open" and causing problems?