Mainstream has been using DNA in various applications for some time now.
Interesting to note that in this article the author states DNA can change significantly to changes in the environment.
<<Frequency changes included as well>>(my inference here)
To spin this in a totally different direction, Lloyd Pye made a lot of the oddly fused nature of our chromosomes in his outside-the-box take on human origins ...
Human Genetics (8min video)
Interesting to note the second and third chromosomes are fused into one chromosome (humans with 46 total chromosomes) while higher primates (gorillas, monkeys, etc) are not fused and have 48 chromosomes. Author of video questions evolution and suggests transformation rather than transition of species.
So, I am only saying this to note that "fused" states seem to be common around here...
Now, lets hope Sol and Leigh can come up with a way to fix that too! :)
Here is a follow-up (but older citing) which helps explain the process. FYI.
The ability of DNA (particularly in a psychic's caul) to store data, for what it's worth, plays a significant role, conceptually anyway, in my novel SNOOZE, which I'm in the process of serializing as an audiobook at ...
Good stuff, Craig. I definitely agree with your inference--and infer that it's very important indeed. ;-) Thanks for sharing!