This may resonate with others on here as it has definitely done so with me, and it in many ways I feel it compliments the work I have been doing with Sol and Leigh and the Regenetics Method here. It’s in the use of “Spiritual Mind Treatments”. It’s all about “Treating” your mind to know the Truth of your being.
During the process of a Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer, Scientific Prayer or simply ‘Treatment‘, we come to the realization that within the universe there is one Infinite, Universal Presence that permeates everything, and therefore this Presence, being everywhere, has to be right within us, as well. With this attitude of mind we reach an acceptance of new possibilities in life, we are able to ‘see’, ‘feel’ and speak of the good we desire as already ours. Then we let the universe work its magic.
A ‘Treatment’ is not about convincing God to do something for us. It is becoming aware of the God presence within. This is a process that is taught through-out the “Centers for Spiritual Living” that are all over North America and in most major centers. One of the early founders of this “New Thought” was Ernest Holmes (Google him) and his work; “Science of Mind”.
There are five distinct steps in a Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Step one - RECOGNITION: We acknowledge that within the universe there is ONE pervading presence, ONE force encompassing everything that is in existence, ONE energy from which all things are made of. Many people throughout the ages have called this Source of all things, God. The name is not important, what matters is that we recognise this truth.
Step two - UNIFICATION: Having recognized the magnificence and awesome power of the ONE presence that is absolutely everywhere within the universe, we realize that this same intelligence that created everything, does not stop being where we are. Therefore It is within us; It is the substance that life is made of. In this step we become aware of who we really are: Divine beings made of the God’s energy and having a human experience.
Step three – DECLARATION/REALIZATION: We name our desire(s) with the feeling that as we do this, it is already ours. We are moving away from the feeling of ‘wanting’ to the feeling of ‘having’ already received.
Step four - THANKSGIVING: We summon, from within ourselves, a feeling of gratitude. Of course, the Source of ‘ALL That Is’, does not need our gratitude to function; it is rather that a attitude of gratitude opens our consciousness to receiving even more good. As the Law of the universe is such that what we focus on, is what we manifest in our experience, when we are focused on the good that we already having, then we can only attract more good.
Step five - RELEASE: Once we have accomplished the four previous steps, all we need to do is trust. We release it to the wisdom and the love of the universe. The Creator does not require our input on ‘how’ our desire is manifesting itself for us!
Here is an example of a Spiritual Mind Treatment I wrote for “Eliminating Fear”. Each paragraph represents a step in the process:
There is one source of all, lavishingly & relentlessly expressing itself as love, harmony, and unending peace & joy. This one divine intelligence is always operating, forever manifesting its magnificence and bringing forth its brilliance into form. This One Mind is perfect and infinite. This one Spirit/God & Universal Mind is whole, complete, and harmonious and as such knows not fear, nor limitation, nor lack - - - ONLY pure unconditional Love. There is nothing separate from Spirit and there is nothing that can limit its creative action under Law.
I am one with this Spirit, one with the same power that created me. My mind is an individualized expression of this same Universal Mind & Intelligence that only knows love, and knows no opposite of love. I feel the perfection of God in every cell of my body and I see God in every situation in my life.
In the deep knowing of this truth I release any and all lingering doubts of fear acknowledging them as a temporary manifestation of an old unfounded idea. I forever eliminate them from my conscious and subjective or subconscious mind. I am in Harmony with Nature at all times, and all is well. I confidently rise above all fear based negative thoughts and emotions in full realization of my oneness with Spirits unconditional Love. By recognizing fear as an illusion of mind, I now obliterate all fear from my life and I let my light shine through knowing that God is directing me with divine right order & that I am always safe, free, and in the right place at the right time.
I thank God for this gift of love & elimination of all fear in my life. I express my overwhelming gratitude for knowing this Truth. I am eternally blessed and thankful for knowing that this truth and Law embodies my life at all times regardless of current circumstances or conditions. I am grateful that the Universe is supporting me at all times and I have peace and harmony now.
With unquestioning belief and faith I now release this word into the Universe knowing that I am safe at all times and that the Universe always says YES to me. And so it is.
Glad you like it Riesah :-)
Peace Light & Love
Thanks so much for this, Graeme; it's a treat to be reminded of this process. I have been practising this for many years now, but had no idea it was part of the New Thought/Science of Mind work.