Wow, on the exact day I finished Elucidation I received a spiritual message and a substantial
monetary gift out of the blue! The spiritual message was written on my balcony brick wall and can only be seen when the rays of the sun hit it at a certain angle and then it disappears. I've never seen it in the eight years I've lived here.
All I can say about it is if you nourish your spirit by doing this work consciously with renewed intent you will get nourished by Shen, an influx that illuminates or the bright Spirit [I Ching hexagram 27 - Karcher]. Personally i keep track of the days in a journal and I throw an I Ching daily. This keeps me connected to the process with transformative meaning that's nourishing.
It "don't come easy" as you have to pay the price of staying with it but 'the reward' comes right on time as already witnessed by some of us.
Fantastic! I love it. Nice work, Andrew :-)
Hopefully I'll be signing up for the same, when the time is right ...
Thanks Jackie! Yes, that's a key concept in the I Ching 'Stay with the process. This generates meaning and good fortune by releasing transformative energy.' [hexagram 63 Total I Ching - myths for change - Stephen Karcher]
Now that I've started Transcension the key message is
Let your virtue shine! After my activation I had this dream with a lot of unsavoury scoundrels running for their lives so that gave me insight that Transcension released a powerful vibration that had all the rats scurrying to leave the ship. That clears the deck for my life to move to the next level!
Congratulations Andrew!
Wow - that is an impressive message :-)
I also found your thoughts on staying 'connected to the process' very helpful.
(ps - I would have sent you this message several days ago, but for some reason this thread 'vanished' from my screen & became inaccessible to me shortly after you posted it!)
Thanks for elaborating. How cool--and hopeful!
Please keep us in the loop as Goshen manifests in your life. :-)
Thanks for asking as it helps me take a closer look at it.
The message on the brick is stamped Goshen twice on the same brick. Which didn't mean anything to me. Kind of sounded like something from the I Ching and of course today I throw hexagram 27 which in my translation mentions shen as bright spirit - nourished by the spirit or food of the Gods.
Anyways I found a link that speaks about goshen more metaphorically. I see it as a kind of spiritual cheerleading saying "the best is yet to come" - keep going and stay focused on what matters most.
Here's a quote from the article:
..."Information from the world around us is not only stored in our memory but our mental focus is on the ideas and values we are most attracted to. These favored ideas represent the “Goshen” of our inner reality—the best place to be within one’s memory and mental world."...
It's also Biblical - the land given to the Hebrews by the pharaoh Joseph. It was considered the best land of Egypt at that time.
That's a very unusual thing to be stamped on a brick but somehow perfectly timed for me.
"Wow" is right!
What did the message say, if I may ask?
Thanks for your insights into staying consciously connected to the transformative process.
I think there are many ways to do this, and it's great to hear what works for people as a way of seeding ideas for others ...