Regenetics and living off light

Hope everyone is well. Before I ask my question and open up discussion, please note that it stems from my personal goal to enlighten myself as much as I can through love, balance, and others so that I can assist in the anchoring of new paradigms for Earth. In short, to remember who I am, and experience it on this physical plane. Everyone may not subscribe to this, but for me it feels right . Onward! 

My question is regarding the regenetics method and living off of light or prana. Is this something that anyone has undertaken during one of the four regenetic gestation periods or before/after?

Similar to regenetics, living purely on etheric forces can assist tremendously in aligning the physical , emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. I seem to be receiving strong signals to combine both of these powerful methods for what I hope to be transformational healing throughout the entire ME but would like further insight before making this decision. 

I wonder if the combination would be too much of a shock for my nervous system and more subtle systems. ON the other side of the token, I know any limits I have come from my own beliefs and I could view this combination as a challenge to expand my faith, trust, and grace. Thoughts, advice?

All the best

Bradley Lovell

Potentiated on 11/13/2012

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  • As much as anything else, Regenetics is a process of surrendering to and learning to trust a higher will (ultimately that of a higher aspect of yourself).

    The real issue with cravings, as with anything else, is trust.

    Do you live in a benevolent or malevolent universe? Do you believe in your body's wisdom, or think of it as some kind of puppet to whimsical forces? Is your glass half full or half empty?

    If we spend our time fearing the ego, instead of embracing the energy currents of the ego's master, the Higher Self, we miss the point of our own evolution.

    It's important to "sit with" the Regenetics process and give it time, rather than over-analyzing it, especially at the beginning, so that our ears can hear the still small voice that begins to emerge with the influx of energies.

    Hope that helps!

  • I´m having some difficulty with food, Sol. Let me explain. I´m only a few days into potentiation and my system was fairly clean before going through the session. As I understand it, the ego can and does turn one´s self against the body. I also understand that with potentiation, I am supposed to trust the intelligence of my body and give into what it craves. However, how does one differentiate between a craving that has arisen genuinely from the body or a craving that is ego based in attempt to hurt the body. I think my ego is feeling threatened not only by potentiation but also overall growth as I attempt to get the ego to serve my higher purpose and not the other way. Insight to this would be helpful. Also I´m schematic 1 if this helps as well. Thanks

  • Certainly, eating organic is always the first option. Otherwise, one does the best one can. I don't really know what else to say--except Regenetics does tend to make one progressively more "immune" (at least somewhat) to toxins, which the body simply expels, in many cases.

  • I have another question. I am living in South America right now near the bottom of the world and organic produce is simply not an option here. Overall the food quality is not full of choices as it is in America. Is this a major concern? The lack of fresh veg is what prompted my original question on living on light. Maybe you can provide some insight on this. 

  •  Perfect! All I needed.

    Sol said:

    Hi, Bradley, and welcome to the Forum!

    Personally, as far as not eating and going "breatharian" or "lightarian," I wouldn't try this for any amount of money during Regenetics, as the body absolutely needs substance to absorb toxins being expelled by the incoming ... light generated by this extremely potent process.

    Just my two cents. :-)

  • Hi, Bradley, and welcome to the Forum!

    Personally, as far as not eating and going "breatharian" or "lightarian," I wouldn't try this for any amount of money during Regenetics, as the body absolutely needs substance to absorb toxins being expelled by the incoming ... light generated by this extremely potent process.

    Just my two cents. :-)

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