I find that this topic will be highly personal. However, I would love some other perspectives.

1. I am finding that the amount of food i require is very little - if I eat more, I feel stuffed.  However, according to so-called "nutrition experts" I am not getting the amounts of food I need to obtain the amounts of vit/minerals required (the amount required is more in a body that is sick or detoxing). Also, I can't get a huge variety, simply because I can't eat much in a day. [an example of a typical day for me : morning: pure synergy green drink/spirulina & 2 pc of fruit, Lunch: fruit  Dinner: small veggie salad (plus or minus)]. I am worried that I am not getting the range of vitamins and minerals I need, so I do supplement.

Does the change in DNA from Regenetics help our bodies a) create the vitamins and minerals we need or b) use the ones we get more efficiently ?

Since age 13 I have had a self-diagnosed "eating disorder" and have come a HUGE way with mastering this addiction - still not perfect, but I eat pure organic foods, and only occasionally do I "overeat".  I am concerned about this because for many years I was NOT getting the proper nutrients - this makes me wonder how much I need to be actively concerned with this.

2. I find I am getting prana/energy from yoga and to some extent, sungazing - and feel this contributes to why I feel full quickly when I eat.  Again, can the body begin to synthesize its own needs that previously needed to be found externally?  This seems to make sense metaphorically, as we find and actualize the realization that Source is within. But for some reason I hesitate to extend this to vit/minerals found from food [ I want to discern here: I'm not trying to suggest I stop eating, but am trying to ascertain whether it is okay that I'm eating little, and if I am getting the nutrients i need)

3. I am supplementing to assist with allergies, and because I have major inflammation from severe musculoskeletal problems (I am going to start another discussion about this).  Ultimately I do not want to supplement vit/minerals from pills.  What are other people's perspectives on this, especially if one is still in a lot of physical pain from the above two afflictions?  The book "Never Be Sick Again" by Raymond Francis suggests that the common denominator in ANY "disease" is that the cells are either toxic, or not getting nutrients they require...along this reasoning, I have found high amounts of supplements seems to help my allergies somewhat, but when there is any type of mold in my vicinity, there's no stopping an allergy attack (might start another post on this one too).

Thanks for any perspectives on any of these issues.

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  • This must be why I have stopped eating an not wanted my regular daily salad and wanted less vegetables. However, raw carrots and cabbage seem to be very soothing at times for my tummy.


    Leigh said:

    Hi Leaf,

    In my own personal experience with the clearing of environmental allergies (and observation of others), the body tends to need a lot of substance to bind what's releasing. Otherwise the detox can be felt intensely, and can feel much like an allergic reaction, mainly because the toxins that have caused the allergy are on the loose and there is not enough "cushioning" to absorb what's coming out. Starches are the main foods that can bind these toxins and carry them safely out of the body, helping you feel much better.

    I was allergic to mold, mildew, dust, pollen ... you name it. And during times of my own detox I needed more starch and protein (in my case, meat) to help stabilize my body's purging. Fruit is very nutritious, but because of the high natural sugar content, fruit alone can intensify symptoms because it acts like raw fuel for the body and speeds up detox. Salads work similarly as do most raw foods. While it is wonderful to include these foods which are so bioavailable to the body, without combining them with the more grounding substances of grains or root vegetables or other starches that can absorb toxins, the body's detox is continually sped up by raw foods to an uncomfortable level.

    It's true that discerning what the body wants versus what the mind thinks it should eat is a challenging prospect, but it is so important to get out of the head and balance emotional responses to eating more food. Even eating small amounts at a time can be very beneficial. Brown rice is an easy and nutritious starch you can eat in small portions several times a day and is very high in B-vitamins, which get depleted with inflammatory and adrenal stress responses.

    There's a lot of letting go of old beliefs one sometimes has to face when making room for intuitive guidance, as well as learning to trust ourselves and the process of healing.

    Hope this helps.


  • That's no surprise at all. Glad to hear it's helping you!
  • I haven't been on the forum in awhile, but I wanted to add that I've recently started eating meat again after about 15 years as raw/veg/vegan ... I am finding this is helping a variety of ways, as well as to GROUND ...
  • Hi Leaf,

    In my own personal experience with the clearing of environmental allergies (and observation of others), the body tends to need a lot of substance to bind what's releasing. Otherwise the detox can be felt intensely, and can feel much like an allergic reaction, mainly because the toxins that have caused the allergy are on the loose and there is not enough "cushioning" to absorb what's coming out. Starches are the main foods that can bind these toxins and carry them safely out of the body, helping you feel much better.

    I was allergic to mold, mildew, dust, pollen ... you name it. And during times of my own detox I needed more starch and protein (in my case, meat) to help stabilize my body's purging. Fruit is very nutritious, but because of the high natural sugar content, fruit alone can intensify symptoms because it acts like raw fuel for the body and speeds up detox. Salads work similarly as do most raw foods. While it is wonderful to include these foods which are so bioavailable to the body, without combining them with the more grounding substances of grains or root vegetables or other starches that can absorb toxins, the body's detox is continually sped up by raw foods to an uncomfortable level.

    It's true that discerning what the body wants versus what the mind thinks it should eat is a challenging prospect, but it is so important to get out of the head and balance emotional responses to eating more food. Even eating small amounts at a time can be very beneficial. Brown rice is an easy and nutritious starch you can eat in small portions several times a day and is very high in B-vitamins, which get depleted with inflammatory and adrenal stress responses.

    There's a lot of letting go of old beliefs one sometimes has to face when making room for intuitive guidance, as well as learning to trust ourselves and the process of healing.

    Hope this helps.


  • I have not anything to offer on mold reactions in physical aspects, but you may consider using EFT tapping of meridian points (emotional freedom technique) on emotional reactions that may be part of the problems related. You may goole it if you are not familiar with it.

    You could be phrasing it something like "Even though I have this mold connected reaction of ...[describing] and I feel .... [describing] about it, I do deeply and completely love and accept myself [and so on]. I use it for similar (emotional discord and conflict) reactions on different issues to mitigate protest, denial and such feelings that bring or are about distance between self and object of protest and so helps to penetrate encompass and dissolve fossilized emotional energy structures. It helps (at least me) to "peel the onion" and move on to next layer in order.

    On a different notem, you say things are lightening. Sounds like a good progress :).
  • Hmm. Thanks Sol, for your thoughts. I think my detox was sped up to intolerable levels there for awhile.
    I think the key is the discernment between food my mind wants and food my body is actually asking for.

    Mold. Model. Form. Map. Stuck in a mold. Ahh, that "mold" allergy. My Allergies in general. The extreme and vehement emotional reactions that occur after exposure to mold / or after an acute allergic response (or the 756th time waking up sneezing -again- and so the "chronic" parts of the allergy "Oh no, please no, not again" i have heard myself say in my head) - this is asking to be encompassed, wholed, loved. Resentment, anger, judgment, hate, disappointment, worry, despair, frustration, powerlessness.

    But things are lightening, ohh yes. Oh yes they are.

    Any other thoughts on mold reactions in particular, anyone? I.e. anything physical that helps, any insights at all...?
  • You're right. This is a highly personalized discussion. I also welcome feedback from others experiencing this work.

    Most of your questions are addressed in various ways in POTENTIATE YOUR DNA, which will be out soon, so I'll be brief here.

    1. Listen to your cravings. Your body will let you know what it needs, as long as you can get out of your head and "shoulds" and follow your heart's wisdom.

    I certainly would not be afraid to eat and eat well, if that is the message one is receiving.

    I would say that Regenetics, primarily, is capable of stimulating the body to utilize vitamins and minerals more efficiently.

    2. Energy is great, but is no substitute for binding substance for detoxing and rebuilding. Too much energy can speed up detox to intolerable levels, making apparently allergic responses more intense.

    If you are eating very little during the detox phases of this process, it probably is not enough, which would help explain your ongoing inflammation and mold reactions.

    3. Typically, we are not big on supplements, especially during periods of intense detox, because the body is focused on purging, rather than intake.

    Food-based nutrition is preferable, unless there is something you know is helping you.

    Generally, in this process less is more and more is less.
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