Hi Sol & Leigh,
I believe in your books you mention that there are either 4 or 5 nucleotides and each
one resonates to a vowel. Can you say which vowels for each nucleotides?
Nucleotides in DNA contain four different nitrogenous bases: Thymine, Cytosine, Adenine, or Guanine. There are two groups of bases:
Pyrimidines: Cytosine and Thymine each have a single six-member ring.
Purines: Guanine and Adenine each have a double ring made up of a five-atom ring attached by one side to a six-atom ring.
I'm trying to see if I can put sound to my I Ching hexagrams. I'm starting to really see how the I Ching is the perfect tool for interfacing with the transformational impetus of the Regenetics Method and life itself. Intentional feeling is one thing yet transformational understanding is, in my opinion, another matter rarely discussed. Of course there are other tools for those, other than the I Ching, who resonate to other methods.
There are actually on the Internet a number of different correlations assigning the I Ching bigrams and hexagrams with the nucleotide bases. Different authors use different assignments to bases and numbers (6,7,8,9). One of these – provides an explanation (http:// http://www.sipp.org/reference/sipp6/). He also says that he was first inspired by the same book by Dr. Martin Schönberger that got me thinking about the I Ching and DNA.
Another assignment is the one used by Chris Lofting of I Ching plus who gives a detailed discussion. Still other correlations can be found.
It is rather disappointing that there is no agreement on this matter. Arvan Harvat goes so far as to suggest that no such exact equivalence is possible.
Also I read in an article Healing with Sound in DNA monthly that Mary Desaulniers characterized that each biocenter/chakra was related to an octave.
With his partner Leigh, he discovered that each of the body’s auric, or bioenergy, fields corresponds not only to a chakra, but to a third-dimensional sound octave as well.
In what sense are we using the term octave? I'm not a musician but I understand octave as an ascending/descending harmonic frequency.
I just realized that every other bioenergy centre is a "light octave" [small letters] or only
thought not voiced. So 9 is paired with 8, and 7 is paired with 6, and 5 is paired with 4. and 3 is paired with 1. That makes 4 octaves? And then there's the master octave. Hmmm?
Don't know if there's anything here you can clarify or is this just the way it is. Maybe from the 4th dimension it all makes sense!
Best Wishes for an Energetic Start to the New Year,
Possibly it's more of a Gregorian chant in the tone of 528 hz : -)
Sol said:
Right on! :-)
Thanks Sol!
[Just when I thought I was getting smart : -).]
There's a whole course here! Happy to review.
Hi, Andrew!
As for the exact way(s) in which the nucleotide bases (informally, simply "nucleotides") align with the five vowels in English, this is actually somewhat of a complex discussion that I've been reserving for a future book ...
As for octaves, we're talking about vibratory intervals of audible sound (to humans) that appear to align with the bioenergy centers identified in Regenetics, starting with the lowest octave in the first center and working up. The Master Field aligns with the tenth and highest of these octaves.
As for your question about the octaves and bioenergy centers, octaves apply to the fields/chakras directly as indicated in the EM Schematics. There's only an indirect indication of octaves when it comes to the Potentiation sound grids, where each double line has a resonance with a pair of octaves only because there's a resonance with the fields/chakras governing those octaves.
The "sound" and "light" aspects of double intoning don't have any practical bearing on this dynamic, just as these elements don't distinguish between other elements of the Schematics (organs, etc.) in terms of whether the latter are sound- or light-based.
Octaves are quite simply about sound here. That said, they aren't meant to be individually sounded, or thought, when one is performing Potentiation. In other words, the codes aren't meant to be performed in different octaves. :-)