Sorry for asking the question several times on the website, just trying to post a thread as requested:
I have implemented the potentiation on myself after having received the tuning fork. At the moment, it is difficult to tell much about it. I am studying more in depth your book also reading other materials (books or web).
There are a few questions I cannot get my head around and I would very much appreciate your explanations:
Sol, you say that the realm of time space which holds our energy blueprint can be reset and positively influenced by sound: Out of the creative consciousness (what I understand to be the field) emerges the word. The primary torsion energy is sound and thus sound is a viable language for effecting permanent healing and transformation by resetting this blueprint.
Gregg Braden says like you that DNA is the communication path to this field of energy. However he supports that the best way to access it is through thought/feeling and emotions. The field reflects in our every day life our thoughts feeling and emotions. He goes on explaining that if you wish for a particular outcome, with respect to healing for instance, you may get it by feeling the precise emotion that corresponds to the outcome. According to Braden, the field responds to the power of emotion. Emotion is creative force. Valerie Hunt has the same theory.
Besides the religious texts quoted in your books, can you please explain how you come to the conclusion that Time space dimension is essentially made of sound?
How do you articulate your theory with Braden's explanations. I think they actually support one another but I am not clear how?
Many thanks that would be very helpful.
Yes, that's basically what I'm saying, Aude. What I present is a model, one which like all models, isn't perfect. But it does provide a useful framework and explains many phenomena--if not quite all of them. :-)
Thanks Sol and Susan,
I have been thinking a lot about the thing and re-reading your book several time. I think I get it Thought and emotions will only operate from a ST perspective and if they improve the situation that should not be enough to translate into TS and reset the blueprint or correct the distortion happening into there and coming and introduced into ST.
I think Susan's idea was interesting though. I will get into all the information you provide me. Many Thanks
Agreed! You should hear some of the jokes Leigh and I have come up with about such things. Definitely not for polite company. ;-)
So glad to hear the work continues to inspire! :-)
thanks Sol..continuing to be fascinated by this working with a full set of solfeggio forks..noticing that my sensitivity to sound is changing (i hear more, especially overtones). Also that bodies play unique tones back while I a working. Am now using solfeggio tones in sacred geophysical spaces. My family has taken to calling me the happy forker...we'll say no only tends to go downhill fro there :)
Sol said:
Good point, Susan. It's important for me to keep in mind that thoughts (light) and sound are still distinct; what you're describing, in my mind, is a process of translating ... between space-time and time-space. ;-)
Thoughts, by themselves, have difficulty making this leap and creating major metamorphic effects via time-space. What they achieve in terms of healing is usually epigenetic: adaptation, not transformation. Though they're a very good start and mind-body medicine is a useful tool.
Feelings do a better job, it seems, at transformation--but even here there are apparently limitations, based on personal experience and professional observation. The key seems to be the sound component, the Word, the actual use of sonic frequency in its pure state ...
Think about the importance of sound/radio frequencies in Garaiev's work, which apparently changes the genetic structure by accessing and stimulating it in time-space. He's not talking about thoughts, or even feelings. He's talking pure frequency. In a sense, he's skipping the translation phase altogether--and applying pure transformational power to the subject.
Here are some of his articles published in DNA MONTHLY ...
So...just a random thought. Humans have a narrow range of audible perception. Thoughts are frequency. Frequency is sound. Possible that thoughts have their own frequency signature? Higher order thoughts create higher order frequency. Dr. Emoto's work is capturing the sound frequency of thoughts . Same would apply for how a symbol changes a harmonic frequency-like a pattern attractor. All is sound...maybe just not sound we are physically able to hear (yet).
Sol said:
Thanks for your question, Aude, and sorry for the inconvenience!
First, CONSCIOUS HEALING contains a lot more data on sound, in some aspects, than PYD. CH can be read (and searched) free online at ...
I'm certainly not a lone voice in the wilderness saying that sound is the primary mover and shaker when it comes to healing and transformation. Barbara Brennan, a physicist and world renowned energy healer, says exactly the same thing. Leonard Horowitz's work details the power of sound quite remarkably as well. Ken Carey waxes poetic on the subject early and often. The list goes on and on.
For a wonderful video introduction to sound as the primary energy of creation, you might enjoy watching this ...
As for DNA, research shows that chromosomes translate light into sound, and sound into light. This happens all the time--and strongly suggests, based on the tenets of Reciprocal system of physical theory, that the parallel reality known as time-space operates to a significant degree through the sound current. Which is not to say, as I articulate elsewhere, that time-space is entirely MADE of sound--just as our world is not entirely MADE of light.
According to RS theory, everything in time-space is the inverse of its counterpart in space-time. Thus our time becomes their space, and vice versa.
A series of groundbreaking articles by "Daniel" offer an enlightening window into Reciprocal theory. And while they do not address sound per se, these pieces fortify my theory that there is a primary sonic component to time-space that gives rise to our creation myths and legends based on sound (since t-s literally empowers the creation of s-t), as well as explaining why sound is a t-s force that translates into s-t effects such as healing and transformation.
Daniel's first piece was published in the most recent DNA MONTHLY at ...
The rest of his work can be downloaded at ...
As for Braden's work, certainly I have a lot of respect for his position--and grasp there is important food for thought here. But positive feeling by itself never healed me, as much as I tried to employ it--and many others can say, and have said, the same.
Having said that, sound combined with genuine feeling (which is addressed in PYD, BTW), is "where it's at," IMHO. :-)
Hope that helps!