How Regenetics Affects the Subtle Bodies

I have read already a lot about chakra's, the aura,... but

In recent books I read there is also talk about mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

But to me they still remain somewhat mysterious and would like someone to give me some insight or interesting books to read. How they look like, do they also consist of different fields, can they be seen and how does regenetics influence them? Was it not the theosophists with powell who were the first to mention this bodies or are there also other sources that mentioned these bodies.

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  • You might enjoy reading some of the material by Gurdjieff and his student, Ouspensky, on the subtle bodies--though the Regenetics model transposes their positioning of the mental and emotional bodies.

    This order was recognized by us neither intuitively (in the beginning) nor philosophically, but kinesiologically--and has since been felt/experienced by many potentiators to be accurate.

    I think of the subtle bodies as "Russian dolls" forming a complex web that connects through all the different fields/chakras. Some channeled material, like that of Q'uo through Carla Rueckert, suggests that the spiritual body doesn't connect to the lower fields/chakras, but this has never proven out for me either kinesiologically or intuitively.

    Regenetics heals/undoes distortions at the level of the subtle bodies that have direct, often negative consequences in the fields/chakras.

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