Disclaimer: I am new to the forum and just read the "Potentiate Your DNA" book. I have not been potentiated but plan to self-potentiate soon. I found out about this group through The Highserside Chats podcast.
I have read the Law of One channeled from RA and have strong resonation with the messages. I am not a fan of David Wilcock because I don't think his channeling is as pure as what Carla and the group provided.
I have searched and browsed the forum and haven't found this brought up so please point me in the right direction if this has been discussed:
RA and Sol have mentioned that our maladies and medical conditions are brought on by catalysts that are supposed to help us advance to higher densities. With that said, Potentiation and further steps will supposedly rid us of our allergies, mental problems, etc. through the steps proposed in this organization.
Are we cheating the system by doing this? Does this leave us stuck in our growth because we are not feeling the effects of a catalyst? I'm genuinely curious about this.
It also bears the question of, If we know about the Law of One and the harvest, doesn't that effect our free will? I feel that I have changed for the better towards service to others. Is that because I feel that I know how the system works? I truly want to help people but get this nagging feeling that my decisions are influenced by the knowledge gained from reading the RA contacts.
I would love any sort of response. Thank you!
Great news, Ando! Thanks so much for being willing to share ...
Ando Rablay said:
Thanks for sharing this resource!
Kent said:
Thanks for the info, Kent! I was potentiated in March and its been an awesome journey! I have also since starting drinking kava every few days which really has curtailed my urge to drink. I have enjoyed alcohol socially with friends about 3 times over the last month. I will definitely check out Jason Vale's book though. I really appreciate you reaching out!
Kent said:
Hi Ando,
A book I found very helpful is Jason Vale's "Kick the Drink...Easily!". After reading his take on drinking I found that I had almost zero interest in alcohol after being a heavy drinker for many years. It's written in a very straightforward manner, and although I don't think the author intended for it to be an examination of mind and belief, it does touch on the power of social conditioning which he points to as the major, and in many cases the sole reason for people to poison themselves with alcohol. It is also absent from any value judgements. It really is an excellent examination of the role of alcohol in our lives and health.
All good stuff. Thanks for offering your insights, Mar. And Happy New Year back at you, Ando! Enjoy potentiating yourself when the time is right! :-)
Ando Rablay said:
Thank you, Sol! I hope you and everyone else had a great holiday and new year!
Mar, I appreciate your insight. I guess I am generally cautious in nature, which is what brought about my questions. I have written intentions and am practicing the vocal portion of Potentiation. Double intoning is more difficult than I anticipated but I am getting better. I am looking forward to the process and excited to join your ranks!
Mar said:
Hello, I am familiar with the law of one and I have not studied it thoroughly but so far, I find the information makes sense and contains wisdom and insight. With that said, and having self potentiated myself, I feel that the activations are not a cheat code but a helpful way for us to heal and evolve the way we are supposed to. Some ailments are there to teach us, but some are brought on by other factors that are from our external environments like for example Sol’s experiences of vaccine damage, or old programming that we have in our dna that may hinder us from evolving. The dna activations help us evolve despite these additional setbacks and bring not only physical healing but also mental, emotional and spiritual healing as well. It resets us so we can evolve to higher densities. It is a helpful tool and no I don’t consider it cheating but more like a guide into ascension.
Right on. I actually didn't mean to accuse you personally of "hating on" David. But the poor guy does take so many cheap shots without any acknowledgment of his contributions that I'm inclined to always point these out when there's any room for doubt. :-)
I look forward to hearing your feedback as you move through Potentiation and, I hope, the rest of the Regenetics Method.
I hope this work benefits you in ways large and small. :-)
Happy New Year, BTW!
Ando Rablay said:
Thank you for the response, So .
I do not hate on David Wilcock and think that he does have interesting points. He just doesn't resonate with me like the Law of One Channellings by Carla and her team.
I appreciate your input and created this post for discussion about my concerns . I greatly appreciate your work and will be self-Potentiating soon. I obviously have not gone through the process and don't have my own story to tell yet. I plan to continue on the path of service-to-others and will hope to gain from this experience!
Hi there, Ando!
I know it's fashionable to hate on David Wilcock, but one has to admit he's synthesized and made understandable a great deal of important science, if nothing else.
Many, perhaps most, catalysts are meant to be overcome and integrated. Otherwise, we're just a bunch of hamsters on a wheel of pain. There would be nothing enlightened or enlightening in such a situation. The Law of One, much like Dewey Larson's physics that it supports, is all about motion, not stasis, as in Larson's THE UNIVERSE OF MOTION.
As for having a piece of knowledge change one's outlook and behaviors, who really cares what engenders the catalytic action as long as there's motion (evolution) forward? There's certainly no moral or ethical hierarchy of catalysts that I'm aware of. :-)