I've just finished reading the Twelve Layers of DNA by Kryon and found it very informative and it seems to jibe well with the Regenetics model as to our unlimited potential. In the book the 12 Layers are really the 12 energies or qualities of the "junk" DNA which are ultimately all inter-related. Kryon speaks a lot about the importance of intent and talking to your DNA and how things can get very lonely and disconcerting as you shift to a higher vibration.
His naming of the DNA energies with Hebrew phrases is also very resonant, i.e.. the first DNA layer is named Keter Etz Chayim or the Tree of Life. Lee Carroll, the co-author and channeler did not know the Hebrew language before he was directed to research this matter for this book. The forward was written by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys who's a DNA researcher [particularly about the multi-dimensional field around DNA] and is working with top Russian scientists.
As far as I know Lee Carroll doesn't talk much about potentiation or the importance of activating the DNA though he's not against it. I believe he thinks the universe is activating all of us. That's where I disagree with him as before Regenetics Potentiation I definitely was not getting the healing I needed or wanted but was being played by the endless mind modalities.
I hear you, Andrew. Maybe I'll get around to checking out the book one of these days to see if there's any information that might be helpful in terms of my work with DNA activation ...
Yes, me too.
Though I found that particular book inspiring nonetheless but that's about it
as there's just endless channeling sessions which just don't resonate with me, again I interpret it as mind games, which are endlessly distracting.
Hi, Andrew!
I'm going to confess here right off the bat that I'm not a hug fan of channeling in general or the Kryon material in particular.
Basically, the Kryon stuff just gives me a weird feeling. Perhaps this is unfounded and unfair, but when I've read Carroll's books in the past, I've come away with a strange depressing sensation that didn't easily go away.
Having admitted this, I've only read snippets of THE TWELVE LAYERS OF DNA, which may have more to offer than his other books.
Yet the very fact that Kryon doesn't appear to support human-based DNA activation is, as you intimate, somewhat odd.
Personally, I'm glad I didn't wait around for healing through some nebulous universal activation--because if I had, I'd be dead. :-(