Hello Everyone,
I hope you're doing well today.
I'm on Day 43 of the Potentiation process.
I mainly signed up because of 3 auto immune disorders that I believe are related to my intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome) & yeast overgrowth issues. In addition to signing up for the Regenetics Series, I've been eating a diet of only fruits, vegetables, legumes, and complex carbs (mainly brown rice and quinoa).
I haven't seen any positive effects from Potentiation (or my change in diet) just yet.
My question was, for those of you who saw good success with autoimmune diseases and/or digestive issues, how long was it before you began to benefit from the positive changes in your life?
It may also be important to note that I fit the Eletromagnetic Schematic 1.
Thanks in advance for your replies and feedback,
Not really "recommending" anything, just sharing some interesting info. :-)
Michael said:
Thank you for the recommendations.
I'm truly sorry to hear that, Michael. I have to say your situation seems rare, as so very many people have reported tremendous benefits from this work, particularly in the realm of gut health, elimination, etc.
You still haven't experienced Transcension. And Songs of Distinction are always an option.
I don't know which strategies you're using on a dietary level at this point, but I've heard very good things about Dr. Kelly Brogan's Vital Mind Reset program, which you can learn more about at ...
Dr. Kelly's approach is to systematically target inflammation throughout the system. This appears to generate positive results with a lot of folks who haven't found solutions elsewhere ...
I wish you all the luck in the world!
Hello Sol, Leigh, and forum!
Hope everyone is well :)
It's been a little over a year now since I first started the Potentiation process. Since then, I've gone through Articulation and Elucidation as well.
Watching my diet and exercising more seem to have kept my skin and digestive issues under control, at least. As soon as I start to stray away from the "right foods" and eat things that I know are harmful to me, I begin to suffer from symptoms.
What disappoints me most is the fact that these autoimmune issues are still around, and in fact my alopecia barbae is worst than it has ever been. The only thing that keeps the gut and skin issues at bay are, as mentioned, being very careful with my diet (which to me seems like it is obviously a solution independent of the whole potentation process I've been going through over this last year).
Any input on why it seems the whole process hasn't really healed me? I really had my hopes up for this, so it is a pretty big bummer :(
Right on, Jillian. Dietrich Klinghardt is one researcher who has studied the interactions between Candida and heavy metals. Candida also helps clean up dead and toxic tissue. In fact, we couldn't live without Candida.
That said, when it gets out of control--due to antibiotics, stress, toxins and sugar, mainly--Candida can certainly cause a variety problems.
Here, as with all things, we're seeking not eradication of Candida (which is impossible) but balance, systemic homeostasis with Candida in the mix ...
If there was a "Like" button, I would totally hit it. I didn't realize that Candida can help escort metals out of the system. Thanks for sharing, Sol! :)
Sol said:
Candida can come and go naturally during Regenetics as the body releases metals, which Candida can help escort out of the system.
Personally, if it were me, as a reminder, I'd be careful not to go on a super-low-carb diet too long during this process because most Candida regimens don't allow for enough starch to help with the metal detox that can naturally occur with Regenetics.
That said, I absolutely support tapping into one's intuition and deeper, wiser "cravings" as one experiences the powerful healing and consciousness-raising effects of this energy ...
Hey there! I just wanted to add my experience with Candida (yeast overgrowth). For me, I experienced a Candida crisis during the 3rd month of Potentiation. It resolved. And now I'm 3 months into Articulation and it's come up again. I'm planning on doing a Candida diet for 60 days, while also taking probiotics. I've tried the diet before, but the detox (on top of the detox from Potentiation) was horrendous, so I stopped. Candida die off is a wretched process!
If anything, I think Articulation will help me to better plan for this diet change. It's helped me to gain more insight into why this has become a problem in the first place, too (chronic suppression of depression leading to overeating and craving sweets... It's highly likely that I also inherited the energenetic imprint of Candida from my maternal grandmother).
Here's to a healthy gut! Good luck with everything, Michael.
Right on. At least be open to the possibility of fewer food reactions as time goes on. You might be surprised at how helpful following your, um, gut instinct where food is concerned can be. ;-)
That's great to hear! Thanks or sharing! I'm trying to pack on a few pounds (I've lost more weight than I'd have liked while following these Candida/Leaky Gut diets), but it's just impossible without some good carb sources like potatoes or rice. I love turnips, but they just aren't calorie dense enough for someone trying to pack on some muscle. I'm going to be more liberal with what I eat as long as I still feel good. I'll probably also consult a nutritionist and do more specific testing in order to find out which foods cause reactions in me, as opposed to following the cookie cutter guidelines.