The Most Important Article on COVID-19 You Will Ever Read Collectively, we can use the sharp, gleaming truth provided by this material to drive a stake into the heart of the vampires and their proxies who seek to control us.
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21 Powerful Facts That Demolish the Official COVID-19 Narrative Any single one of these facts should, in a sane and just society, be enough to begin unraveling the official narrative surrounding COVID-19: that it is solely responsible for causing a contagious viral pandemic requiring planetary lockdown, universal tests, a mandatory vaccine, and health “passports” to return to work and normal life.
COVID-19: Light at the End of the Tunnel? The way I see it, the possibility of uniting a host of diverse populations spanning a variety of political, religious and medical beliefs is now greater than ever with the threat of a present danger and common enemy: mandatory vaccination being pushed by the unelected (and widely loathed) likes of Bill Gates.
Newest article in this series ...
MUST-WATCH: The 3 Most Informative Videos to Date on the COVID-19 Scamdemic The proof of this hoax is abundant, self-evident, multi-layered and capable of bringing down the entire house of cards built by the monsters perpetrating this contrived atrocity on a gullible population that has blindly ceded its power to evil people in government and behind government.
Got you.
Larry R said:
I wasn't asking as a criticism. I just didn't clearly see the references.
Sol said:
I must say I don't really understand your point about links.
The link you requested to my blog post, which is listed above already, is ...
In that article you will find the referenced video embedded.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman highlights the point of the inaccuracy of these tests in the video contained in the article. Many, many, many other people have brought up similar data.
You might start by reading another article on my blog and watching the embedded videos ...
Larry R said:
It would be great if you would provide links to the articles and videos you have referenced.
"You just need a faulty diagnostic tool such as the RT-PCR, which is known to be up to 80% inaccurate, and control of the narrative through ownership of the media and who knows how many high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats." For instance, where did you get this information. I would like to research that.
"For starters, link to this blog post and share Dr. Kaufman’s video (below) on social media and in your emails. Pass along this research to those in the mainstream and alternative media who have drunk one kind of Kool-Aid or another. Insist that people carefully consider this information. Do not engage in useless arguments with people unwilling to do so. Stand your ground. Do not be bullied by those whose rational faculties have been impaired by this intentionally manufactured panic." Where is the link to connect to this blog?