IBS still recurring often

Hi all:

I still seem to be suffering greatly from IBS-D and I'm coming towards the end of elucidation. Although, I feel the process has been helping me a lot in many ways which I'm grateful for. I still feel that I'm suffering to about the same same extent as before when it comes to the IBS-D, although, it is my intention to heal 100%. Would you say at this point I'm not understanding the lesson the IBS is teaching me so its lingering or that my problem may be on the Spiritual Level and should heal after I go through Transcension if I'm sticking by the archaeological theory of layers with Regenetics?


Randy J.

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  • Hi Randy, Songs of Distinction really helped with my digestive issues and allergies. I finished Transcension and then started doing the Songs over a year ago. Sometimes I don't even think that something is related, but somehow it is. For example, I am going through the Musculoskeletal Song right now, and I was guided to a rolfer/chiropractor-type healer who is helping me with musculoskeletal alignment which has made more space for digestive organs.  There have also been emotional/mental shifts in my perception of this reality. I hope this helps.

  • Depending on how toxic you were when you started (and I can't emphasize enough that you probably were very toxic to have developed such symptoms), the detoxing can go on for many months, even years.


    The body can only go as fast as it can go getting rid of these things without hurting more than helping itself.


    As with the bowel releases, it's possible that the allergic tickling is itself a detox response.


    Make sure you're getting enough binding food, drinking lots of clear water, and sleeping enough to facilitate the detox cycle.


    Also, you might consider doing Songs of Distinction focused on the liver and kidneys/bladder (and possibly your mucous membranes and immune system including the lymph) to optimize your elimination pathways ...

  • Hi All:

    Quick update:

    I have been done with Transcension for almost a couple of months now. Many things feel more stable and seem to be somewhat less bothersome. However, the IBS has never seemed to heal and an old allergic tickling in my throat has actually reappeared, which, did not appear much during the whole Regenetics process. Any advice, on further healing? How long can post-Regenetics detoxing go on for? What else is possible not sure why these things are still ailing?




    Randy J.

  • It's certainly possible that this situation is still wanting you to "get something," just as it's possible that Transcension will assist with the "getting" and resolution of the issue. It's also possible that you're detoxing a lot, which can be very uncomfortable for some and even mimic symptoms of IBS. As we like to say, on the subject of toxicity, whether you're screwing a screw in or screwing a screw out, there's still a screw. :-)
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