Hair Loss

We have a question about my husband's healing because Leigh is so good with herbs and nutrition. His hair started falling out about a year and a half ago, and at the same time his pee became very yellow. He drinks a lot of water (4 times more than me). We are aware that he is still detoxing a lot, but we were wondering if you can think of any herbs or vitamins off the top of your head that could help stop his hair loss. He recently started eating millet (with hull intact), spirulina and macca. We have been eating mostly plants for the last 4 months because our bodies feel better, with some animal protein occasionally. Thank you so much for your thoughts.

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  • Thank you!! : -)

  • Hi Ema,

    There is a really excellent article on this subject here: I strongly agree with many of the recommendations and have seen improvements with people using different combinations of the suggested foods and herbs. Rosemary on the scalp, including eggs (rich in lecithin) and omega-3s in the diet, silica as a supplement that supports healthy growth of connective tissue. You could also take Horsetail herb which contains an abundance of silica. All of these and the others mentioned are very good ideas for healthy hair and preventing loss. If it's detox related as opposed to hereditary it will probably normalize at some point as well. Hope this helps!



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