Facilitation experience

This week I facilitated my first Potentiation, distance.  I had practiced for two months, prepared myself physically, mentally, spiritually.  It was much more difficult than I had anticipated, did not go smoothly.  But I persisted, correcting any mistakes, and got through it.  At the end my whole body was vibrating, I almost felt traumatized, not in theta!  I staggered across the living room and rested on the sofa for a few minutes before I tested to see if it had been effective.  Strong positive, amazing!  For the rest of the day I felt wiped out and extremely cranky.  Slept deeply with intense dreams.

The next day I felt clear and clean, as though something had been washed out of me!  I don't remember reading in the book about the effect on the Potentiator, is this sort of response common?  I know I am extremely sensitive, prbly more so since I started Potentating.  I am in 3 Down at the moment.

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