Hello wonderful Regenetics community,
I am not posting this to ask for any medical advice. I feel that I need some support from like minded individuals and am curious if anyone on here has experience with my husband's diagnosis or any of the treatment options we are looking into.
A few months ago my husband developed a large mass in his abdomen shortly after helping a friend move and lift very heavy objects. He went in for a CT scan suspecting it was a hernia or some other type of muscle tear. What this ended up being diagnosed as is a 13cm gastro intestinal stromal tumor(GIST) that has spread to his liver. Curiously, this type of tumor attaches itself to the connective tissue rather than a body cavity or organ.
I also find it curious that this is being discovered during his potentiation process, he currently is at the 5 month mark. What I'm about to say sounds crazy to many people, but I believe this is a path we are meant to walk on together for some higher purpose. This has been a catalyst for many huge mental and emotional shifts for him. The other aspect of this tumor in relation to regenetics is that GISTs are predominantly caused by a mutation of genes that code for a couple of specific proteins.
The treatment protocol recommended from the specialist at the hospital is to take this relatively new drug called Gleevec. Apparently it's all over the TV commercials, we don't have cable so we haven't seen them. This drug has produced rather dramatic results in shrinking these tumors and any others that have spread throughout the body. The main caveat of the drug is the body tends to build an immunity to it after some time, and they're saying he would basically have to be on it for the rest of his life in order to prevent it from coming back. I call bullshit on this, as I'm sure anyone else reading this probably does as well.
He is going to start taking it, but we are looking into other therapies to beat the odds and not have him reliant on drugs and live a long healthy life. We organically farm veggies, eggs and cannabis. And have been doing lots of juicing, coffee enemas and he has been eating the recommended dosage of cannabis oil for cancer patients. We are also looking into going to a full on Gerson clinic. There's one in particular in Tijuana that is resonating with us. If anyone has any experience or knowledge of the clinics in that area I'd love to hear it. Also if anyone is familiar with the Royal Rife machine I wouldn't mind feedback on that.
I also think with the continued shifts that are happening during the regenetics process will be play big factor in his (and my) "wholing" journey. Thank you so much to anyone who is taking the time to read this.
All my blessings and love,
You might be interested in the book: Wor
World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17 Paperback – December 18, 1974
by G. Edward Griffin (Author)
This book is highly reference. Half of the book is dedicated to the politics of keeping cancer around and the other half is dedicated to the science behind why B17 works. (found in high concentration in apricot seeds) Its been probably 25 years since I read it, but there was one part that really stood out for me. A scientist who had a stellar background in research, especially cancer research, was hired to study B!7. His conclusion, he had never seen anything destroy cancer cells so quickly and effectively as the laetrile (another name for b17) The medical and pharmaceutical industry quickly went to work to discredit the scientist. He got fired and I don't remember the details but he was never to work in medicine again.
The naysayers will say the cyanide in the apricot seeds is very toxic. The book will explain how the cyanide works well with the B17 in the destruction of cancer cells. I myself have taken upwards of 15 seeds a day, in divided doses, with no ill effects. I'm sure when you read the reviews on Amazon, you will be able to get more information on whether anyone has had side effects.
As far as the rife machine goes, I have only known of one person who used it. He was HIV positive. He did not receive any benefits from it. However, from what I have read, not all machines are accurate. I don't know which one he used.
Blessings to you and your husband on your healing journey.
Coconut oil is certainly a wonderful and very healthy oil in a variety of ways ...
Hi Brandy,
Having trouble connecting so will try posting here. Just wondering how your husband is going. It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Can I recommend you read Bruce Fife's books on the miracle of coconut oil. I have just read "Coconut Cures" and have been taking just about 2 teaspoons per day (in my black coffee) for the past week and I find it hard to sit down I have so much energy. It helps the metabolism work better and he talks about various cancer treatments as well. Best wishes
This is GREAT news, Brandy! You just lifted my heart. Please give your husband my congrats and, by all means, keep us in the loop!
Thanks Sol,
I appreciate having this resource available. We have a strong support network of family and friends, but most are only open to and familiar with allopathic medicine.
We received some encouraging news yesterday. A month ago his blood work was showing bilirubin(a very important substance found in bile) to be double the healthy amount. His calcium was also high, combined with the bilirubin levels this was of concern. This was related to the cancer that had spread to his liver.
After a month of only doing the natural remedies I listed above, no pharma drugs, his blood work came back completely normal and healthy! This alone has been a huge morale boost and is showing us that we are on the right path to healing.
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis, Brandy, but happy that you've both been able to contextualize it in a highly positive manner. This alone could have a huge positive impact on overcoming the situation ...
I'm somewhat familiar with the Gerson protocol, Rife machines, cannabis oil and coffee enemas--but probably no more so than you are. Gleevec, however, is new to me.
If I run across any information I deem worth sharing here, I'll most definitely pass it on.
I look forward to what other people have to contribute on this subject ...
Blessings and love to you both for navigating this time with grace and success!