Diabetes and regenetics


I would like to ask, of course without making any medical claims, does anyone have positive results on diabetes resolution with the help of e.g. Potentation?



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  • I feel, you hit the nail Sol!!It needs no comment what so ever-))

    thanks a lot


  • We've definitely had clients report improvements in this area, including with their insulin dependency, Frantisek. Not making any claims, of course.

    When asking a question here, please keep in mind that only a fraction of our clientele are on this Forum--and of those who are, only a fraction are regularly active.

    There seems to be a tendency to become active when things are tough, and forget all about Regenetics when things improve. :-(

    Though frustrating at times, this is really as it should be, since our goal is to empower people to move on with their lives, not become "Regenetics junkies." ;-)

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