Has anyone any insights/knowledge revolving around root canals/cavitations in connection with the Regenetics Methods? somewhere in Potentiate Your DNA mention was made of teeth being regrown. The invention for this came from Russia. Am I right? Wouldn't this be great? This piques my interest.
Hal Huggins Institute insists all root canal teeth must be removed, cavitations cleaned. I am now finished with the DNA activation (thank you Sol and Leigh) and am now into Articulation. In reference to the issue of root canals, Hal Huggins teaches along with Weston Price that dangerous neuro-toxins form underneath to compromise ones health.
Would DNA activation, setting a new blueprint, somehow mitigate this situation and thus make unnecessary root canal removals? Seems you would have to have a super-immune system to overcome. So far, I still seem to be having issues with a sluggish immune system and/or interference coming from root canals etc.
Actually, Larry, I wasn't kidding. The only alternative, at present, that I'm aware of, to a root canal, is pulling the tooth. Otherwise, keep or get the root canal--but be aware of the potential risks ...
Just adding my two cents here:
A number of years ago, when some of my fillings were beginning to crack, I had them all redone without the silver amalgam. Most of my fillings now are white; i.e. without metal. Unfortunately, I have had quite a few root canals done over my life, one quite recently. Not once have I had any problems from them. Of course, I have no idea whether the tiny metal rods in the roots are causing me trouble, but my sense is that I might know if they were.
A dear friend of mine, on the other hand, who has over the years suffered with cystitis in her bladder, was found to have had troubling infections inside her formerly root-canalled teeth. She also had a near miss with cancer in her nose, which was successfully removed. She reports feeling so much better since her teeth were "opened" and the roots cleaned out and refilled without metal.
What to make of all that?
I'll have to do some research when time allows me. That could leave a lot of holes if a person had a lot of problems.
Sol said:
Pull the tooth?
What are the alternatives to having a root canal if it becomes necessary since root canals are so bad?
Hi, Mary Elizabeth!
We feel that this work can help the body remove some, perhaps many, of the toxins associated with root canals.
That said, we make no medical claims as to being able to totally mitigate the negative effects of root canals.
Regrowing teeth was documented in the wave-genetics experiments of Peter Gariaev, but this effect has yet to be mastered in a repeatable, therapeutic capacity.
Yes, this would be great when/if! :-)