Clearing Miasms


I had my DNA Potentiation Session in October, and I am in the process of working through my miasms. Do the miasms clear completely from cellular memory or do they go back into a "dormant" state?

Also, I would like to know why Thuja is coupled with Syphilis and not with Vaccinations..

Thanks kindly,


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  • Fair enough. It's really hard to respond to your question, given that, for starters, there are so many definitions of "soul."

    In Reciprocal System theory, for example, "soul" refers to your mirror image self existing not in space-time but in time-space and is basically the same thing as your aura ...

    Certainly, Regenetics is all about healing, or "wholing," and de-fragmenting what was fragmented--starting with the Fragmentary Body ...

  • Sol,

    To be honest, I am really not sure.... "Soul trauma" came up as an issue for me on the Cyberscan, which is a biofeedback scan (similar to eav testing)... I don't know if my soul trauma is lost soul fragments? or something else?


  • My pleasure, Nancy!

    As for your question, just so I'm clear, how do you define a soul trauma?

  • Nancy Frank said:  Thanks Sol for the clarification... one more question... Can the Regenetics program, help to heal a soul trauma? If so, where along the program would that surface for a healing?

    Sol said:

    Hi, Nancy!

    We believe that many miasms do, in fact, clear from cellular memory during the Regenetics process.

    Clearing the embedded effects (toxicity, etc.) of these miasms is a separate, though related, process that can take considerable time.

    As for why the Thuja and Syphilis miasms are paired, this relationship was repeatedly reinforced through years of kinesiological testing.

    Our approach was, and is, to take no one's word for anything--but to put concepts to the test (literally) and follow the data's breadcrumb trail. :-)

  • Hi, Nancy!

    We believe that many miasms do, in fact, clear from cellular memory during the Regenetics process.

    Clearing the embedded effects (toxicity, etc.) of these miasms is a separate, though related, process that can take considerable time.

    As for why the Thuja and Syphilis miasms are paired, this relationship was repeatedly reinforced through years of kinesiological testing.

    Our approach was, and is, to take no one's word for anything--but to put concepts to the test (literally) and follow the data's breadcrumb trail. :-)

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