Books you have found useful on Regenetics path?

I added this discussion in anticipation that there are many besides me who find reading useful. A certain book at a certain time seems to fit in very nicely and open up new insights. I added this discussion for discussion or listing of other inspiring books (there is a discussion on Law of One series specifically) and why you think of them as such. I personally think a book around a certain theme or subject that interests me at a particular time gives a valuable mirror to think and observe and upgrade the mental contructs and knowledge (and movies and fiction for emotional resposes). I'd like to add it doesn't always need to be that I agree/concur with the author on something for it to be useful reading. Sometimes it is even hard to tell why someting feels good to read :)

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  • Thank you for data on Rachel Naomi Remen. Out of curiosity I read a short passage from her book in Amazon and indeed it was like sipping fine cognac :))
  • Two books I enjoy are by a wonderful woman named Rachel Naomi Remen.  I have had the pleasure of meeting her and she is as delightful as her books.  They are they kind that can be sipped slowly like fine cognac. I highly recommend them.
  • "The Power of Now" , Eckhart Tolle, I felt led to read it just a few weeks after potentiation. I thought it was a very direct, understandable, powerful summary of some basic concepts.
  • Thanks for the notice Leigh.
    It is now ordered and I look forward to it's arrival :).
  • Yes, it's now available through our website.

    John K said:
    I read the samples that were offered and will certainly study it as soon as paper book is printed :))!
    That will be pretty soon now I guess.
  • I read the samples that were offered and will certainly study it as soon as paper book is printed :))!
    That will be pretty soon now I guess.
  • Maybe I'm a little biased, but, even as someone deep into healing and transformation through this work, I've found POTENTIATE YOUR DNA to be MOST helpful on my Regenetics path! :)
  • I, too, find the numerous parallels in the many "internal alchemy" teachings fascinating and insightful. Thanks for sharing!

    John K said:
    I add to earlier message, that one of the aims in Ba Guas internal work is to connect every part of the body into one unified energy (seems similar to Eludication on that account). This systems paradigm obseverves the flow of energy from ground up and through different energy paths and structures. Book dicusses about spiritual aspects and says in "spiritual martial arts training expands to reach its full potential to regognize, develop and balance practitioners chi within all eight energy bodies".

    For me it is always interesting and enriching to compare views and teachings and find common ground. Is there anyone here who has practised any of these internal martial arts or for example ki aikido? I am interested in if and how have you experienced differences in your doing your martial art since Regenetics?
  • I add to earlier message, that one of the aims in Ba Guas internal work is to connect every part of the body into one unified energy (seems similar to Eludication on that account). This systems paradigm obseverves the flow of energy from ground up and through different energy paths and structures. Book dicusses about spiritual aspects and says in "spiritual martial arts training expands to reach its full potential to regognize, develop and balance practitioners chi within all eight energy bodies".

    For me it is always interesting and enriching to compare views and teachings and find common ground. Is there anyone here who has practised any of these internal martial arts or for example ki aikido? I am interested in if and how have you experienced differences in your doing your martial art since Regenetics?
  • Thanks for others for participating on this thread, so it is not just me lecturing on books I read :))).

    One recent book that I have been reading is The power of internal martial ars and chi by Bruce Franzis. Franzis has committed decades to martial arts and this book is about three internal arts and especially Ba Gua. He describes internal martial arts as those fighting systems that base their power on cultivating chi, the mind, total relaxation, longevity, and meditation rather than the purely physical means of the external martial arts (passage from the glossary).

    I find the book quite fascinating: The thread of internal work and developement weaves through the book.
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