
This is a very interesting yet hard to fathom concept about harmonizing energy.

Bioenergy is probably the simplest way of transforming your space by bringing energies of a sacred power spot into it.  I've progressively used Biogeometry over the years but never could understand it until I delved into it again.  Still don't but learning more about it.

Starting at about minute 25 [thankfully the audio is better at that point] for ten minutes Dr. Karim explains something very interesting about how by adding a physical shape you can effect your mental, emotion and spiritual levels and thereby not be detrimentally affected on the physical level.  He's also worked successfully on a large scale with animals and crops and even whole towns in Switzerland where after he's harmonized the radiation from cell towers, etc., things improved dramatically.   Switzerland may be on the verge of implementing it country wide as a solution for the harmful effects of energy.

Anyways take it or leave it - it may have something to offer us in providing a healing space.

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  • I wish I had more time to fully explore all the fascinating stuff you bring to the table, Andrew. This is still on my list, but I've been extremely busy with various projects, including prepping for a fall art show ... 

    Andrew B said:


    I took the Biogeometry course in February with Doreya Karim and learned a lot about bringing back some harmonizing into my environment from EMF and geopathic stress.  Definitely has brought in more calm and made a difference in lengthening and deepening my sleep, where before I needed to take some melatonin frequently to none at all since the course.  I'm looking forward to taking the Advanced course to learn some more useful stuff.

    Here's a good recent interview with Sarah Westall and Ibrahim Karim for those who are interested to learn more.

  • Hi,

    I took the Biogeometry course in February with Doreya Karim and learned a lot about bringing back some harmonizing into my environment from EMF and geopathic stress.  Definitely has brought in more calm and made a difference in lengthening and deepening my sleep, where before I needed to take some melatonin frequently to none at all since the course.  I'm looking forward to taking the Advanced course to learn some more useful stuff.

    Here's a good recent interview with Sarah Westall and Ibrahim Karim for those who are interested to learn more.

  • Thanks, Andrew! I've bookmarked the video and hope to watch it soon ...

  • Dr. Ibrahim Karim, who I met a number of years ago, is such an archetypal Aquarian working with the whole spectrum of energies and his book, speaking of the future, is called Back to a Future for Mankind.  He's very technology friendly - he's just offering a simple and proven way to transform the energy we are currently using so that we have a future.  One of the factors of global warming, no one considers yet, may be our ever increasing electro-magnetic radiation and electro-smog.

    Here he is in beautiful Switzerland implementing this technology.

    May your projects go well!

    Sol said:

    Thanks for sharing, Andrew. This sounds fascinating. I'm up to my eyeballs with a number of projects at the moment, but I hope to get around to checking this out in the near future ...

  • Thanks for sharing, Andrew. This sounds fascinating. I'm up to my eyeballs with a number of projects at the moment, but I hope to get around to checking this out in the near future ...

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