Hi Everybody!
just to sum up on the topic, it is an absolute evidence, that the aura field goes through a gradual positive change after undertaking any of the DNA activations. It is visible, the change usually concerns the level of brightness, width, clearness of the aura field as the process unfolds, and the fact if the aura is sealed or still interacts with some blurts, potential negative energies from the surroundings. Unfortunately I haven"t followed the process via video recordings from the beginning of my own potentation session, but I will try to do so in the months to come. I work with a biofeedback device, quantum scio medical, that is capable of scanning and recording the present image of aura field of the scanned person. The aura fields (their image) of people (whether undertook DNA activations or not) vary. My general observation is such, that an activated person emits a much more powerful aura than one who wasnt activated.
An aura field of someone who did not undertake any DNA activation:
The aura field of my wife potentiated (assisted) and articulated. The image recorded in the 7th month after potentation session ( and 2 days after articulation) :
My aura field 1 day after elucidation:
My aura field two and half months after undertaking elucidation:
If any questions,feel free to ask-)
Hi Frank,
I just noticed in your post that you are a SCIO practitioner. So am I, although I haven't been using it for a while. Anyway, it's nice to meet you!
With abundant appreciation,
Thanks so much, mate. =) :) 8)
Feel free to use the videos, dear Brendan
Best regards
P.S. I could not sent a private message, the sent icon has not been working....
Thoughtful work. Thank you :)
What do the colors mean.?.
Kind Regards,
Thanks for the clarifications. I definitely look forward to seeing the comparison video(s).
Yes, I've heard the raw food and kundalini arguments before, but at least in terms of the Regenetics process, I don't put much stock in them at all.
In my opinion and observation, this process typically requires real, substantial food for grounding and detox. People tend to push themselves too fast and get into trouble when they go all raw, juice only, fast, etc.
BTW, I released multiple times a day for years, similar to what you describe. My motto, seeing how most of what was coming out of me never should have been in a human body in the first place (!), was, "Better out than in!"
Great (and funny) to hear about your son! Ah, the joys of fatherhood ...
The Endocrine song would be most appropriate to work on the adrenals ...
Sol said:
Thanks for sharing, Frank!
As for the video, as always, I'd love to hear your explanation of what one is actually SEEING here. A brief voice-over added perhaps?
In terms of the PDF, I haven't had time to read it, other than perusing the short Regenetics section.
But as for adding raw foods to kundalini activity, in many ways, in my experience, that's simply a recipe for disaster.
What the system needs is SLOWING DOWN, not speeding up. Putting in an excess of raw fats and enzymatically active foods, without making sure there's enough binding starch in the diet, would probably just make things more intense.
Detox can go on for months even beyond Transcension, though it seems to happen in fits and starts at that point--if it happens at all.
Not to make any medical claims or diagnoses, but your description certainly sounds like detox. When you say "copious loose stools," at the risk of being indelicate, are they liquid or just loose? And are they strange or abnormal in any way(s) you might be able to describe?
Very interesting about your son. Sounds like a big energy surge. Has he settled back down yet?
Hi everybody, dear Sol/Leigh!
I am on halfway of my transcension process... being currently in the 7th energetic field moving already downwards... and posting a new video for anyone interested in my aura scan development:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_v3x9TO6ns&feature=youtu.be As for my observations the transcension process is in my case a little bit less painful as elucidation, but still very very powerful. I am surprised that in my case the changes do still strongly reflect on my physical body. I have been still experiencing hot flashes, mental irritability, strange or horrific dreams, tingling gallbladder, unstable digestion, copious loose stool almost on daily basis. In this reference I would like to ask what is usually the case as for detox symptoms, after the trenscension period "ends"?
Meanwhile I encountered a book on kundalini awakening, see in attachment, which mentions also the regenetics method. The author recommends raw food diet for handling the symptoms, to manage the internal fire... How do you feel about this concept?
Just as an additional info on our son...The transcension session was pretty strong in his case-)He usually wakes up 2 times in the evening to get some mother milk. After transcension he got up 5 times and was so active, that he didnt want to sleep at all-))We will see the progress later on...
Fascinating!!! I viewed all five auras.We are able to watch the light come in where once was darkness.
This is my first day on the forum and what a delight to have these validating visuals.
My husband and I are one week into Articulation and just 5 1/2 months after potentiation.
I am sitting here laughing as I recognize the need to be patient while allowing the benefits that are still setting in.
Thanks so much for sharing Frank,