Articulation experience

Dear  Sol/Leigh!

you are magicians!Thanks for the yesterdays session! I did not have any expectations and let it flow... I was conscious all the time exactly  feeling the start and the end of the process. At the beginning strange waves entered through my left ear  causing vibration in my head, later on in my whole body as if i was on a boat and the water  was pushing it up and down, later on a deep heavy push on my heart chakra so I could not move at all, stiffness and heaviness  in my whole body, then my palms got extremely hot for the rest of the process and at the end when I already thought nothing else would happen, I had a feeling as if I was in a time, space accelerator. It is like when you put out your face from the window when the car is at 90 mph. But it was felt in the whole body. It resembled me may own past experience jumping bungee from 220 m height "cutting through" the air falling downwards. The only difference was that this time it was "upwards"... Well, very interesting experience, then  several hours just starring into the nothing  having no thought, just seeing without judgment!

thanks once again



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  • Good stuff, Frantisek! Thanks so much for sharing--and please let us know if there are further developments associated with Articulation. :-)

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