Hey everyone, just joined the forum after my family (2 adults, 2 kids - 7 yo and newborn) did a potentiation session with Sol & Leigh a month ago. Despite some subtle observable changes, not a lot to report for the adults and 7 year old yet. But my new born I can report is noticeably happier. No longer grunting and struggling to poo like before, and most definitely less crying - in fact only to tell us he’s hungry or tired. We all got sick quite soon after, but my new born was the most sick. Sneezing out green mucus like I’ve never seen in a baby. It lasted a couple of days, and then he was great. So… this long winded preface to my question is; does anyone know if past civilisations conducted similar ceremonies for their new borns? I had an intuitive thought that this was at one time standard practice, and perhaps resulted in advanced civilisations. In any case, I have done a superficial search and come up with nothing other than the physical ceremonies that we mostly are familiar with. So any info or thoughts would be most welcome. Cheers, Johnny
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Okay cool. Cheers Sol :)
No, the timeline is the same. You just probably hit your detox spot in the flow of energy ...
CoolumDude said:
From Monday night 29th August until today 3 Sept I have been experiencing what my wife and daughter did a couple of weeks ago. Whilst no vomiting, the diarrhoea was extraordinary - especially the last two days/nights. Given the 2 week gap between experiencing these detox symptoms, it got me thinking about whether the timeline is the same for everyone? Might it be longer than 9 months for some and shorter for others?
If it seems like detox, it probably is. Some people have more to release than others. It can come in waves. Hope you have some "windows" soon!
*Note: I’m writing this to primarily keep as a potentiation diary. But of course feel free to comment if anyone wants.
From the 14th August (we had our potentiation session on the 14th July), my wife Sarah and daughter came down with extreme gastro. The weird thing is that Sarah NEVER vomits or has diarrhoea. So we are of the opinion that this is potentiation detox. Sarah had an intuitive thought that this might be related to the birth of our daughter (it was an extremely painful posterior birth which resulted most likely in some pts in Sarah).
Good one cheers Sol - and yes certainly better out than in!
Oh, and the "sick" part of the aftermath sounded like classic post-Potentiation detox to me ... Better out than in!
Hi there, Johnny!
My position has always been that Potentiation and Regenetics are a modern example of an ancient healing language called the Language of the Birds, and I can only assume this was utilized for newborns somewhere, sometime. You might want to look up the work of William Henry on the subject of the Language of the Birds. The bibliography of CONSCIOUS HEALING might be helpful ...