I don't know whether this is the right place to submit this, as I haven't yet had the chance to read other posts. This is my second attempt at adding a discussion here.
Speaking with my partner last night, after a small disagreement, I began to describe to him where I'm at these days. I began by saying that since we live in a very rural place, I spend a good deal of time, most of my time alone, unlike city dwellers who are constantly in the human soup and its often cacophony. In that situation, one has a lot of choices for those one wishes to have closer at hand, to spend time with. Here, my choices are somewhat more limited, particularly when one seeks people with a more positive mind- and heart-set and one must travel far greater distances, in order to be with them.
My life currently feels to me as though spread out on a table, the table of transformation and everything is represented there: where we shall live after we sell our lovely acreage, where my partner will find work, how we shall be with one another throughout all of that, how my own work is evolving and changing through my deliberate choices and what all of that will mean and so on.
What is so remarkable to me is that I expressed myself as being a space holding gratitude, positivity, open arms, heart and mind, much great acknowledgement of others and my appreciation of them and myself. Being more alone than with others means I fund anew my attitude of gratitude daily, sometimes in the face of what seems like the Dark, which can find its way in so easily at times. Rather than being wracked with worry and anxiety in all the uncertainty, I am focusing on building my practice and how I do my business, which is built on a very strong vision of purpose.
But it is the statement of being a space, a container for light, which was so awesome to me. This means that I am embodying more and more a space within and around me and this is so exciting- to be walking my talk even more than ever, to be filled with a joy that fills me up and keeps me feeling so balanced, so much more peaceful and loving. I shall be doing the potentiation on my partner on 11.11.11, one month after giving it to myself.
Ditto Larry, I'm just getting started but I've done other projects similar so I know I'm in for a ride. Thanks to Riesah for this wonderful journal.
Larry R said:
Gorgeous picture! Wow. "Window" or no, the light continues to shine on your path. :-)
4 Kan Nov. 11.13 Boienergy centre 2
Well, it was a sweet window and it's time to move on. The itchy eyes, scalp and other aspects of my body continue. After two days with a detox head pressure, my head is now out of that vice, but my ears continue to ring really loudly, forcing me to wear my hearing aids when in company with others. I made sure to eat more complex carbs, to manage the changes, while also drinking lots more pure water. It all paid off, because the day after my skin cleared, lots of crap exited, leaving me with more energy and less need to sleep so much. Still, afternoon naps continue to appeal.
I got out and took a long walk up the road, picking up trash, bottles and cans that people think they're hiding when they dispose of their garbage this way. I like to keep the place freer of this stuff, since it means less harm to the space around my abode and the animals don't get caught up in the twine, plastic and pieces of rubber tire that I found on this excursion. A gentleman even stopped to offer me a lift! I'll soon head out for another walk, going the opposite way. The body sure forgets fast what it had in quality of fitness, if one leaves off for more than a week or so; I felt the muscles in my legs show up right away.
I took this photo from my deck, facing south west as the sun arose over the Rockies, just a few days ago. It is untouched. I thought I'd share this here, for your enjoyment. Father Sun was beaming and I couldn't resist stepping outdoors into the golden light.
Hey Larry, Thank you so much! Here's to more connections!
I don't know what to say other than i appreciate someone else sharing their process as deeply as I do. It helps me feel connected and I value that.
This all sounds so positive and forward-moving, Riesah!
I enjoy being in the loop of your unfolding. :-)
May the wind continue to be at your back as the road rises up to greet you!
Hi Sol,
You have a good memory! Yes, I am working to get outdoors and active through this time and do own and sometimes use my rebounder.
As if by magic, the day after I wrote this and had drunk a number of large mugs of tea with Rooibus and other anti-oxidants, my skin cleared. Now I'm waiting for my hair to stop looking greasy and getting more body into it again.
I had a most amazing day yesterday; it was ineffable. I wrote earlier about inspiring my husband and then later my son. Well, Nov. 7 is my son's birthday and I called to tell him how much I love him, to discover as well that he had gotten so much done over the week and he was feeling so much better about himself and his life; I burst into grateful tears to celebrate his victory over the terrible stuckness he's been in for so long.
To add more joy: my husband told me that the man I'd suggested he get together with, because they work in a similar field, and he had spent 5 hours together brainstorming and then they'd also learned that they share other deeper things which took my husband even further on his spiritual path. Telling me this, he wept tears of joy and I joined him with mine.
I had a conversation with a dear close woman friend and later she told me how uplifted she felt from that sharing. In all, I felt so essential, so much in alignment with my purpose here, so washed over with gratitude and joy to be of service, for the gifts I'm receiving. And also, Sol and Leigh, to you for how the Transcension is working in me. I've moved off my own stuckness and have been creating momentum for my work, although I am still seeking a good web designer/online marketing person to help me.
Today I had a long and lovely meeting on the phone with a woman who is a pioneer in the career development field, through an introduction from my Honey, who's worked with her over the years. She revealed how very resonant we are in her interest and my work in energy; we also have some people in common. We shared our delight in discovering one another and plan to get together to see whether we might collaborate somehow. I shared with her and, recently with others, the value of the Potentiation and how it's helped me to sleep again, among other things.
I feel very blessed indeed. …and now for that walk.
Love to you, Riesah
Thanks, as always, for sharing, Riesah!
Much of what you have to say is inspiring indeed--and I'm very happy for you on your path. :-)
I recall that late fall and wintertime can be difficult for you; it seems the lack of activity can lead to some level of stagnant chi and less systemic ability to detox the old hormones and other substances obviously being released.
Finding ways to move more (rebounding comes to mind) might help some ...
November 5.13 Transcension< Level 2
Today I opened the wonderful message from Sol and Leigh and reread about how to count on the calendar the days following the Transcension activation. I've also checked the EM 1 sheet to see whether I can find answers to what's going on with me right now. Then back to the letter from Sol and Leigh and there it is! I'm having all kinds of hormonal detoxification going on and, frankly, I'm not enjoying it much.
For about 3-4 weeks now I have had the worst case of cystic acne ever; even as a teen my skin was never this bad and it's so painful. Thankfully, I have some good remedies for the skin to help it heal more quickly. Then, just as I hope it's all over, another sore spots erupt. My face looks like a battlefield.
I came off taking the small dose of DHEA I'd been taking about 2 weeks ago, but these sores persist. I understand that hormones can remain in the skin for a long time. To add to this, my hair, one day after a shampoo, is hanging in greasy looking strings around my face. Boy! don't I look the perfect example of a healthy healer. It all came together in my head today, after I also read into some books I have on hormones and their varying effects in the body when out of balance.
I suppose I should have recognized the signs when I began to wake up several days ago, with really bad armpit body odour and the stinky farts were a dead giveaway, but I missed all those. Why it all wasn't obvious to me is because I hadn't sat down and counted out the days on my calendar. This action made me more aware of what was really happening. Now that I know, I have upped my water intake and will soon take a nap. While marking the calendar, I noticed that many of the transitions from one bioenergy centre to another seem to be timed very closely to the moon phases. My shift to level 2 came about the same time as the New Moon + eclipse; this is wonderful timing and I am grateful for cosmic boost.
Intuitively, I have been cooking more lentils, beans and leaving off the goat cheese and yogurt, with the understanding that dairy only make the androgens (DHEA, especially) more plentiful and this can cause more acne. I prepared a 7 course vegetarian Indian meal on Sunday. I am working at more conscious eating and am more or less successful at dealing with recently discovered additional food allergies (egg and dairy protein, besides wheat and soya.
Now that it's rather winter-like hereabouts, I am having to force myself to get up and exercise, whether indoors or out, in order to move the energies. I've managed to navigate the time change and am still enjoying good sleeps (thank you, Potentiation). I'm laughing a lot, working more with clients, getting more done and generally am feeling good about myself, especially in light of what I'm accomplishing.
Earlier last week, while speaking with my husband, whose work of late has been spotty or nil, I was able to feel my way into a place from which I could inspire him. As a result, he's been redoing his website, rewriting it with more light about himself and his why for doing the work he does and again there is some momentum building. Because my intuition has been quite alert lately, I also called one of my sons and had a very direct conversation with him, while speaking in loving tones about a difficult subject for him. He too is now creating some momentum in his formerly stuck life and he's also getting support to take his steps.
What does all this mean? Well, as things stand in this moment, I feel that I am more in alignment with my purpose here, inspiring people, doing my wonderful healing work and my clients are getting great results too, which thrills me to bits. I spend some morning time, first thing, to sit with the Day Lords of the Sacred Mayan Calendar, with the intention of healing my relationship with my ancestors, whoever and however that is/they are. Doing so gives me a context for my day, a way of looking through it and living in it via the current Day Lord's "filter". Some days are awesome. I notice that even while on some days I may be flying into the future in my thoughts, others seem to be more grounded in the present.
I'm happy to be back here writing about my experiences and sharing them with anyone who wanders into my patch.
Fellow Voyagers, may you have many windows in your journey.
My current employer is having a profound homeopathic affect on me and as a result a great teacher (no fault of his own because he sucks as a teacher which is why he is such a great teacher for me). I can again relate to what you are saying here. I am most often with must resistance learning a lot from him and I suspect he from me.
Riesah Prock said: