Allergies & Regenetics

Over the last 5+ years of offering Regenetics, many clients have come to us and other Facilitators suffering from food and/or environmental allergies, often severe ones. This is a "physical" area where we've had a great deal of success helping people. We've also learned over this period that people's allergies lessen or go away sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly--and at different stages for different individuals, based on where the allergies are "rooted." If the allergies are tied to the so-called physical body, Potentiation often takes care of the situation. If the allergies are rooted in the mental body, Articulation can very rapidly and efficiently address allergies. And if the allergies are tied to the emotional body, Elucidation generally does the trick. Have you yourself or someone you know experienced allergy reduction or elimination through Regenetics; was it immediate or gradual; and at what stage of the process did this occur?

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  • That's fantastic news, Melissa!!!

    May this trend continue. :-)

    Thanks for sharing--and please keep us updated!

  • I just had my potentiation 2 nights ago.  I have tons of allergies, all starting when I became sick with a autoimmune like condition 8 years ago.  I have performed about 60 NAET treatments from anything to cotton, exercise, rain, and many many foods.  Still I have many allergies to different things which is connected to my chronic bladder pain.  Anyway after my session, yesterday, I eat orka, which I was allergic to the week prior, with no reaction.  I also eat pinto beans, with no reaction yesterday and today, normally I would notice bloating from this.  I did still react to dairy though.  This is only a few days in.  I have a feeling over the next 9 months I will see much more improvement. Just these few things excited me and tells me something positive has happened.  Thank you!

  • Hi, Riesah!

    My questions are ...

    Who's telling you you have these allergies and by what means?

    What are you experiencing exactly when eating said foods?

  • Transcension Bioenergy 6 descending    April 11, 2014

    I'm glad I came across this discussion, since the question I've had in my head for a while refers exactly to this subject.

    As you know, I started with Potentiation in Oct., 2011. Now it's April, 2014 and over this time, instead of ridding myself of allergies, I've been told I'm allergic to more foods: egg protein, bovine dairy (I've switched to goat) and soy, which seems to be the worst of them all. I tend also to avoid wheat products, don't consume much bread or even pasta. 

    Now, as you know, I'd like very much to be free of allergies altogether (including bee & wasp stings, which could shut me down completely). So, why is it, there are more? I can tell you that eating out has become a huge challenge and I'm testy now even thinking of it. I enjoy eating, cooking, shopping for foods and have had a widely varied diet, which over time has narrowed instead of expanding. 

    I'd welcome your take on this very much.


  • Hi Brendan,

    It does sound like you're experiencing a homeopathic detox response. This kind of thing can go up and down in one's process depending on various factors such as how much there is to cleanse, when the body is ready to release it, and where you are in your Regenetics process. You're right in that everyone is unique and therefore responses are hard to predict, but often a cleanse will occur and then symptoms will abate and people are able to eat those foods with less aggravation over time.

    Often, the cleansing process is like peeling away onion layers going deeper to get to the root. You may alternate with periods of cleansing followed by longer and longer periods of the foods no longer triggering a detox. It's usually a gradual strengthening of your system as your body frees itself up from the toxins that have created the sensitivities, until it is no longer using the suspect foods to trigger the release.

    Hope this helps!



  • The phenomenon of encountering a toxin (either coming from inside or outside) during Regenetics and then immediately going into a big detox of that very toxin is so incredibly common that we've labeled it the "homeopathic effect." In homeopathy the mere energetic resonance of a substance can trigger its release. In Regenetics, however, with the basic operating system restored to "ener-genetic integrity," the body is actually capable of using environmental triggers for its own cleansing--a truly amazing thing.

    Hi Leigh (and Sol), I found this section of yours particularly interesting. It is beginning to make sense of my last roughly 5-8 weeks regarding my food allergies. I recently spent two weeks in Sydney, prior to which I had been eating more wheat/gluten/dairy than I normally would (due to sensitivities). This seemed to initiate a head cold, though I should note that prior to this (and for several wks) I had experienced a degree of bloody discharge from my sinuses--not unlike that which I experienced several years ago while doing an elongated version of the Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse. All sorts of odd colours of mucous were expelled from my sinuses as they literally opened up and said goodbye to years of accumulated toxins.

    On this most recent occasion, however, I just figured that I had harmed myself by eating these foods I shouldn't have been and that, once "out of whack", my sinuses were not up to correcting themselves and returning to normal. (I just want to note at this point that the bloody discharge had started up maybe 2-3 weeks before I had Articulation done).

    So basically I figured something was awry and that some acupuncture would sort me out. I had my 1st session a day or two after arriving in Sydney. Within 48 hours the bloody discharge had ceased--I was very pleased. Started feeling normal again. Then a day or two later it was time for my Nan's 90th birthday bash and I decided to try eating some wheat flour-based cake and a lemon tart (with moderate dairy content)--to see if the acupuncture had reduced my sensitivity. Alas, by next morning I was showing serious signs of my accepted allergic response--though perhaps more so than usual. My throat was dry, itchy, irritated and sore, and my sinuses soon joined in the fun within about 24 hours. Not feeling very good at all, I booked another acupunture appointment--only I made the rookie mistake of going out that night and having 3 alcoholic drinks--a no-no after an acupuncture session. Since she had worked on my liver meridian, it was somewhat sensitized at that stage and I had a horrific sinus reaction the likes of which I'd never had before after alcohol. With my sinus cavities closed up and thoroughly inflamed, I booked another session. It helped to some degree, but not enough that I was totally confident in flying back to Sydney, so 2-3 days later I booked my 4th appointment in about 11 days--a personal best(!) This seemed to help again, to some extent, and today we flew back to Perth (somewhat reluctantly I might add).

    The point (I do have one, believe it or not) to all of this is that since eating those foods in Sydney, I seem to have exacerbated what was my previously moderate detox state. It seemed to act as a trigger, homeopathically, as you state. It is much clearer to me now that I AM detoxing, and I'm lucky to have my previous experiences with the Burroughs Master Cleanse to inspire some confidence. My sinuses are back to expelling blood-tainted mucous of various shades of (unpleasant) colours, and it seems to be the detox process I was hoping for from day one! I guess I didn't figure it was a detox initially because it was so long AFTER Potentiation (and yet it started happening BEFORE Articulation)!

    For clarity, my sinuses have been my Achilles heel from early in my life. The foods I have been sensitive to have always immediately impacted my sinuses first, and thus, I learned to use my sinuses as my own personal "canary in the the mine." They were indicators of my state of health, generally speaking. Thus, as you say, Leigh, eating those foods I was sensitive to seems to have initiated a detox of those very things...! At least, this seems to be the case. I can forgive my acupunturist for immediately assuming this was simply an allergic process and nothing more--it fit that pattern exactly. I think I was the first person she's ever treated who'd embarked upon the Regenetics path, and I made sure to tell her about it--she was fascinated. I'll be forwarding some (or all) of this material on to her. 8)

    I'm so grateful to be having detox symptoms without having to "DO" a detox!! I like eating too much!! Hahahahaa!

    Just one question: Are there any guidelines for how long to expect symptoms to last? I'm guessing everyone is pretty much unique, eh?  8)

    Sorry for prattling on for so long!



  • Hi Frank,

    Many people have resolved their gluten sensitivities and other food allergies through Regenetics. For potentiated individuals who have harmonized gluten we do not see it as a toxin at all, but it's important to consider the integrity of the grains one chooses to eat. There's such wide variation in quality, and of course, moderation is important as with consuming anything. Organic, higher quality, and even sprouted grain options are going to be better choices, nutritionally and energetically.


  • Hi Sol, Leigh,

    in reference to celiatic disease or gluten intolerance, have you pls achieved positive changes in this area by regenetics ? Anyway how do you feel about general  consumption of grains containing gluten?Shouldn"t we avoid it anyway, since it is a toxic substance?



  • Great news, OMO! Thanks for sharing, and please feel free to keep us updated!

    OMO said:
    I noticed that my seasonal allergies are not acting up as much as they usually do and my psoriasis has calmed down significantly. I participated on Global Potentiation day.
  • I noticed that my seasonal allergies are not acting up as much as they usually do and my psoriasis has calmed down significantly. I participated on Global Potentiation day.
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