hi Sol,
Thanks for answering prior questions.
one another question...
After experiencing the The Big Change resulting from Regenetics and 2012 will such a person leave his family and ordinary daily life and go to some other place or dimension(the Black Road) or will he be just more enlightened and continue his ordinary life with non-activated ordinary family?
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This is also a good question, and a very complicated one. :) I'm going to answer from a Law of One perspective as elaborated on in The Ra Material, which would be very valuable reading. On earth, according to Ra, there are a number of different types of people (which are not to be confused with the 12 energy families Sol and I have identified in Regenetics). There are those with a "positive" bias seeking (consciously or otherwise) to make the evolutionary Harvest of 2012 into the Fourth Density Positive by following the Path of Service to Others, and those of a "negative" orientation seeking to "graduate" into Fourth Density Negative by following the, in some ways, more rigorous Path of Service to Self. Between these two groups appear to be a lot of people who haven't yet made the all-important Choice of polarity and thus will be repeating a third-density cycle somewhere after 2012. In addition, there are millions of what Ra calls "Wanderers," mostly positive beings with home vibrations in Fourth, Fifth or Sixth Density here at this time to assist with the Great Shift of the Ages who will return to their home vibration after 2012. All of this means that from one so-called ordinary family, members could go in multiple directions after 2012. Again, this is Ra's perspective, with which I tend to resonate yet encourage anyone reading this to "feel out" on their own.